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COMMISSIgNER'S REGULAR MEETING <br />Friday, arch 17, 1978 <br />FLOOR DISCUSSIONS <br />(Questions asked of Mr. Brademas regarding his proposal): <br />Mr. Brademas: That is true. I am sure the Commission would want to ponder <br />on this proposal and discuss it. <br />Mr. imtz: Thank you. Are there any further questions or discussions? <br />Mr. lave Anderson: I don't know if this is the first time you have seen <br />this or not, but what is the feeling of the Commission about this proposal <br />that has been laid out this morning? <br />Mr. Nimtz: I believe that question is a bit premature. I think if there <br />are no questions from the Commission, the Chair will direct that this <br />proposal be received and referred to the staff for study and recommendation, <br />as I am sure the Commission will want to explore this proposal further. <br />Mr. Wiggins: It is our purpose to follow -up clearing these areas and <br />getting something on them. <br />Mr. Dan Caesar: Has the Commission received any other proposals? <br />Mr. Wiggins: Not that we know of. <br />Mr. Nimtz: We have received no proposal. I have indicated previously there <br />have been tire kickers as we can say, looking around, but no proposals. <br />Mr. Dan Caesar: Then this is the first solid proposal you have received? <br />Mr. Nimtz: Yes. <br />Mr. John Kagel: I would like to ask a question as a spectator here. I might <br />doubl check that I heard right. Mr. Brademas mentioned that he would have no <br />diffi ulty financing.....could you repeat that with a statement? <br />Mr. Brademas: There are two ways that the housing portion, which of course <br />is the major portion, could be financed. One is the Fannie May, Jennie May, <br />Tandem Plan. That is exactly the way we financed the high rise. That program <br />is available. The new program, that has just come out, and there are a <br />number of issues, if you will, that have been successfully quoted, known as <br />the 11 -B Program, which must be done in conjunction with the local housing <br />autho ity, because these bonds are tax free. <br />-15- <br />