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Redevelopment Commission Meeting <br />Friday, Fe ruary 17, 197£ <br />DISCUSSIONS: <br />Mr. Br wnell: What we are concerned about at this time is leasing of the <br />Plaza ark land consisting of four acres along the river to the City, for <br />the be efit of the Park Board at a very nominal rental. <br />Mr. Ni�tz: Is it because they don't have the money to pay us? <br />Mr. Br wnell: This is one reason; another reason is because Housing & <br />Urban evelopment won't approve Community Development funds to buy it from <br />US. <br />Mr. Ni tz: They don't have the money to buy it from us, so to remove <br />the le al liability on the land, we rent it to them. <br />Mr. Br wnell: The only other matter that I would like to raise at this <br />time is that there were two acts of vandalisms, which were major acts. <br />One act of vandalism occurred when someone tried to burn the bridge, but we <br />have repaired the bridge and have paid all the expenses incurred. The other <br />act of vandalism which occurred was damage to the lights, and that consisted <br />not only of pushing the globes off, but someone also tore the wires. This <br />will require a contract, probably with an electrical firm, to have the lights <br />repair d. At this time, in view of the shortage of coal, I see no reason to <br />rush in and repair the lights contained in the lease, and would suggest that <br />the lights be repaired at an appropriate time so that the park would be <br />complete. It will take four or five thousand dollars worth of electrical work to <br />repair the damage. This was the only item that we agreed to fix, henceforth <br />we would expect the park board to maintain the park themselves. <br />Mr. Ni tz: Is it your desire to have the Commission approve the lease of the <br />Plaza Park to the Park Department for one year? <br />Mr. Bultler: I have set the leasing for a three year period. <br />Mr. Niimtz: Subject to cancellation if they get the money to pay us for the <br />land. Does anyone have any questions concerning this? <br />Mr. Ro inson: Is that the stipulation; "subject to" according to what <br />Mr. Ni tz just mentioned? <br />Mr. Brownell: Yes. <br />Mr. R binson: Will they take over complete maintenance after the park is <br />lease to them? <br />Mr. Butler: Yes, they have the responsibility of maintaining and keeping <br />it re aired. <br />-5- <br />