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SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES <br />Page ix <br />Janua y 3, 1978 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS, (CONTINUED <br />pproval. <br />) C. Wayne Brownell explained that our contract with Real <br />state Research has expired due to the time limit and we <br />eed to execute a new contract. We have put together a <br />roposed new contract which has not been presented to them <br />n writing although we have discussed it with them over the <br />hone. Mr. Brownell stated that he believes they are <br />greeable to the terms - some of which they gave him on <br />he telephone. He asked the Commission whether they wished <br />o pass on this item today? <br />r. Robinson asked whether the legal staff has given a recom- <br />endation one way or the other and Mr. Brownell indicated <br />e has not yet given it to them. <br />r. Robinson suggested that the contract be given to legal <br />ounsel for their review - this would neither speed up nor <br />elay approval and the Chair then referred the proposed new <br />ontract to legal staff for their review and recommendation. <br />s. Derbeck asked Mr. Brownell at this point if "you are going <br />head with the acquisition... whereupon Mr. Brownell suggested <br />hat discussion be delayed until other business be concluded. <br />7. RROGRESS REPORTS <br />a <br />here were no progress reports. <br />he next Commission Meeting will be Friday, January 20, 1978, <br />t 10:00 A.M. <br />r. F. Jay Nimtz welcomed back Ms. Gertrude Barth as Commission <br />ecretary. <br />r. Donaldson moved for adjournment at 10:42 A.M. Motion was <br />econded by Mr. Robinson and carried. <br />, 11 \LJ11l LI 1 1 v. VVl FTrC LJI %VVlll LL.L, <br />