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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting <br />September 2, 1977 <br />7. b. (continued) <br />Mr. Nimtz indicated that Mrs. Allen had some valid points and that it is a <br />question of who to believe. The merchants want to be able to get the people <br />that come in from conventions, would they walk past the parking garage, or <br />will they park and walk thru the mall to the Century Center. These are <br />questions that are most difficult to answer. <br />Parking above the mall is structurally too expensive. Mr. Brownell added <br />that one of the conditions of the mall was to have parking space available <br />to the west of the mall, approximately 700 spaces. Therefore, we are con- <br />sidering the parking garage in the area to the west of the existing service <br />drive and Main Street. <br />Mr. Wiggins stated that every decision we make has to have a complete run <br />dowi of facts and figures and all of the things that are necessary to justify <br />suci decisions and rightly so, but some of the people that are busy questioning <br />and offering all kinds of alternatives ought to back them up with something <br />mor2 than just a notion. It is easy to say that the other guy is wrong, it is <br />eas to come up with hindsight, it is the foresight that gets a little tough. <br />Mr. Wiggins concluded that these things are just proposals, there has not yet <br />beei an architect chosen, there are still many considerations to go into this <br />bef re it is finalized, and Mrs. Allen, your points are well taken and we are <br />sur2 these will be taken into consideration before a final decision is made. <br />Mr. Brownell -added that Mr.Jean Keneipp from Barton - Ashman Associates will be <br />in town sometime during the week of September 6, to conduct a parking study <br />as Well as the final bus terminal location. <br />Jea ne Derbeck asked the exact height of the proposed parking garage and <br />Mr. Brownell answered that the conjecture is that the garage would contain <br />spa --e for 900 - 1,000 cars, the lower two floors housing the bus company, and <br />als small shops on those lower levels. Depending on the number of cars that <br />would be housed on one level, it is possible that the garage could be eight <br />or ine stories high. He also added that the outcome would be better decided <br />aft r the parking survey is completed. <br />Mr. Brownell indicated that an architect has not been chosen by the city or the <br />developer, and that what we have is a projection by an architect who had the <br />foresight to try to develop an idea. <br />8. ADJOURN <br />Mr. Wig ins moved for adjournment, Mr. Robinson seconded that motion, and carried <br />by all. The meeting was concluded at 11:10 A.M. <br />ell, Exec.'Director Jay Ni tz, Pr sident <br />-5- <br />