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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting <br />September 2, 1977 <br />5. OLD BUSINESS <br />M <br />- John Dobson & <br />Mr. Brownell indicated that we have had an audit completed and Dobson sent <br />25 copies to the regional office of HUD. There has not been a reply from <br />HUD as yet. This audit was an audit of 30 months ending with June 30, 1977. <br />Mr. Brownell indicated that in going over the audit with Dobson, they found <br />no discrepancies with our cash funds, but only questioned a few contracts <br />that they were not sure HUD should have approved d. Mr. Nimtz indicated that <br />if of the Commissioners wanted a copy of the audit to peruse they are <br />ava�ny <br />lable from Mr. Brownell. <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />a. Commission approval is requested of the following bid contracts: <br />Contract <br />2/5 <br />R.A. Stickler <br />Plumbing Co. <br />$ <br />4,150.00 <br />Contract <br />2/5 <br />B.W. Electric <br />Company <br />$ <br />10,444.00 <br />Contract <br />2/5 <br />Charles Brown <br />Maintenance <br />$ <br />41,904.25 <br />Contract <br />2/5 <br />Owens Heating <br />Company <br />$ <br />9,818.00 <br />Mr. John Davis stated that there were 15 houses involved in these bids. <br />Mr. Robinson asked who supervised the employer to see that he is paying <br />the employees the proper wage rate. Mr. Davis replied that the E.E.O. <br />office is responsible for this. The cost of the heating contract was <br />again discussed and Mr. Wiggins asked if insulating these homes was a <br />part of the contract to which Mr. Davis replied no, and that they <br />are not new customers because then the gas company would not hook them up. <br />Mr. Wiggins moved the approval of these contracts with the suggestion that <br />the Housing Bureau move into the area of insulation for these homes. Seconded <br />by Mr. Cira and carried,the four bid contracts were approved and awarded. <br />b. Com issio <br />is eaues <br />,rization of employment of l <br />intern, Mr. James A. Masters <br />Mr. Brownell explained that Mr. Masters has been working with the City Attorney's <br />office and we have had the opportunity to get his services in connection with <br />the work that we are entertaining to do with this new project. The rate is <br />$4.50 an hour for approximately 20 hours a week. Mr. Masters will maintain <br />his office upstairs to use law materials housed in that office, but will be in <br />our employ at the same time. Mr. Wiggins moved for the authorization, seconded <br />by r. Donaldson and carried. Mr. Nimtz extended his welcome to Mr. Masters. <br />c. Ap&oval of contracts for acquisitic <br />Mr. Ron Gettel and Mr. Ralph Lauver. <br />)raisals in Project R -66 for <br />Mr. Brownell indicated meeting with both of these men to discuss the work that <br />nee Jed to be done. The appraisers indicated that they could not complete the <br />rep rt without 120 days time; we had proposed 45 days. The contract specified <br />the price for testifying in court as $250.00 per day, 112 day $175.00, and <br />the fee for doing the parcels in the project at $14,400.00, for the entire <br />project area, 24 buildings, the $14,400.00 being the cost for each appraiser. <br />-3- <br />