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South Bi <br />Special <br />August <br />,nd Redevelopment Commission <br />Meeting <br />2, 1977 <br />2. (Co6tinued) <br />WAIVER OF REGULAR NOTICE OF AND CONSENT TO SPECIAL MEETING <br />We, the undersigned officers and commissioners of the South Bend Redevelop - <br />men Commission, do hereby accept service of the NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING <br />wai ing any and all irregularities in such Notice and Consent, and agree <br />tha the said Special Meeting of said South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />sha 1 meet at the time and place named in such Notice, and for the <br />Dur ores stated therein. <br />3. Mr. <br />a p <br />and <br />if <br />pro <br />/S/ <br />Robert J. Cira, Assistant Secretary <br />--7 -> - <br />Lloyd E."'Robinson, Sr. Member <br />Brownell stated that the purpose of this meeting is to hear a report <br />i the legal counsel and staff on the Century Center proposal that was <br />trt of our last regular meeting of the commission. Mr. Butler is here <br />a resolution has been prepared for your consideration and plan changes <br />t is decided that the commission wishes to go ahead and react to the <br />iosal for a Century Center Mall in downtown South Bend. <br />Mr. Butler was called upon to make the following legal report of the <br />pro edure to be followed in order to accomplish the objectives of the <br />Century Center Mall proposal submitted last week. <br />'Resolution 540 as prepared provides for an amendment to the Urban <br />Renewal Plan which is required if the Commission wishes to proceed with <br />the outlined proposal submitted last week by the investor group. The <br />charges to the Urban Renewal plan affect Area C which encompasses the <br />Blo k containing the "hole ", the Block to the west of the "hole ", the <br />Odd Fellows Building Block, and the Sherland Building Block. The Urban <br />Ren wal Plan is being amended to provide for facilities including hotel <br />and motel which will support the Civic Center development in Area D and <br />3 <br />