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6. NEWIBUSINESS (Continued) <br />(Continued) <br />C. Wayne Brownell read the letter and indicated the contract <br />numbers involved. <br />The Chair asked Mr. Crighton for comments and Keith stated that <br />Madison Builders had failed to provide us with a bond in the <br />time required. Therefore, he had to forfiet the contract and <br />the bid bond. <br />Mr. Brownell: One point, Keith. If this is authorized by the <br />commission, this letter should be re- written since it says the <br />Redevelopment Commission "has been authorized" and actually the <br />commission will do the authorizing. <br />Chair: I concur with Mr. Brownell's comment concerning the <br />letter itself. This is just an aside, but do you have any idea <br />why they failed to do this -- are they too busy or what? <br />Mr. Crighton: Mr. Chairman, I really don't know. We have re- <br />peatedly requested that they get this bond in and they have <br />not done so. <br />Motion was made by Mr. Robinson, seconded by Mr. Wiggins, and <br />carried, to approve action to rescind the above - listed contracts. <br />Ms. Allen: I just wondered why it took all these months to find <br />out he doesn't have his bond in. <br />Chair: Well, when you keep after somebody . <br />Ms. Allen: Don't you have a time limit for them and if they <br />don't do it by then, you're out -- rather than, say, four months <br />later another sink would go bad. <br />Chair: That's right. But, Janet, it is so hard to get people to <br />bid on some of these jobs, that when you do get a bidder that is <br />within reason, you are pleased to have them. These contractors <br />are busy and you have to keep after them to do things. I run <br />into this in the things I am interested in. You call a contractor <br />and . . . I called a plumber the other day -- he showed up ten <br />days later to fix up a stopped sink at the building. These are <br />the things that you have to put up with. Keith, do you want to <br />say anything further on that? <br />r. Crighton: Well, I think what Ms. Allen is expressing is a <br />oncern for the homeowner rather than anything else. Before we <br />e- advertise these houses they are going to be completely re- <br />nspected, to make sure that there isn't anything just to <br />ake sure that nothing else has gone wrong. <br />hair: We will have to go through the process on this . . . <br />Ir. Wiggins: However, he does forfeit his bid bond and this can <br />ielp defray some of the cost. <br />302 <br />