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COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING <br />Page 3 <br />Friday, November 19, 1976 <br />4. C <br />M <br />c <br />91 <br />e. <br />ESPONDENCE, CONT. <br />St. Joseph River Bend Development Corp. letter dated Nov. 10, <br />1976, signed by Lloyd S. Taylor: This letter concerns a <br />problem which the contractor has encountered in the con- <br />struction of the site improvements in Block 6. Mr. Brownell <br />read this letter from Mr. Taylor and indicated that he had <br />personally discussed the matter with Mr. Taylor and told him <br />that he (Brownell) did not feel the Department is obligated <br />in the matter since River Bend Development had the opportunity <br />to check all of these items ahead of time. <br />Mr. Wiggins asked whether we have any recourse if the sewer <br />line is not as it was guaranteed to us. The Chair asked if <br />the drawings were done by the City Engineer's office - Mr. <br />Brownell said the drawings were done by the Contractor and <br />certified by the Engineer's office. <br />The Chair then indicated that unless there was some objection <br />he would refer this letter to Mr. Butler. Being none, such <br />letter was referred to Legal Counsel. <br />HUD Area Office letter, dated November 3, 1976, signed by <br />Albert G. Smith for Stephen J. Havens: This letter referred <br />to the redevelopment of Disposition Parcel 2 -6A by Peoples <br />First Federal Savings & Loan Assn. and approved redeveloper's <br />statement for such purpose. Mr. Wiggins moved to place this <br />letter on file. Mr. Donaldson seconded the motion and it <br />carried. <br />IND. R -66 <br />BLOCK 6 <br />SEWER LINE <br />COLUMBIA ST. <br />DISP. PARCEL <br />2 -6A, IND. R -66 <br />PEOPLES FIRST <br />FEDERAL SAVINGS <br />& LOAN ASSN. <br />John G. Pence Associates, Inc. dated November 16, 1976, signed IND. R -66 <br />by John G. Pence, President: This letter is an update of one REUSE APPRAISAL <br />received 10 -7 -76, same subject, land use change in R -66. Mr. JOHN G. PENCE <br />Brownell indicated that the principal change here is a clari- <br />fication of the number of housing units for elderly housing. <br />Mr. Brownell pointed out to Mr. Pence that we did not increase <br />elderly housing units only, we simply increased the housing <br />units from 200 to 350, 211 of which were for elderly housing and <br />the balance could be used for any purpose. Mr. Pence also included <br />data to substantiate his findings. Motion was made by Mr. Wiggins <br />and seconded by Mr. Robinson and carried, to place this letter <br />on file. <br />HUD Area Office letter, dated November 15, 1976, signed by IND. R -57 <br />Stephen J. Havens, Director Community Planning & Development: PROJECT CLOSE - <br />C. Wayne Brownell read this letter and indicated this concerns OUT <br />a budgetary matter with total project expenditures estimated <br />to be $4,875,046 - plus the rehabilitation and relocation <br />payments, or anticipated final total of $5,549,670. <br />Motion was made by Mr. Wiggins with second by Mr. Robinson and <br />carried, to place this letter on file. <br />