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COMMISSIONERS' REGULAR MEETING <br />Page 14 <br />Frid v, November 19, 1976 <br />8. Open discussion, continued.... <br />. Derbeck: "Like who ?" <br />. Brownell asked Mr. Caesar what "they" would like done. <br />r. Caesar: "I don't know what they want men like <br />r. Robinson: "I think these business men have a certain amount of bias <br />n their attitudes for the simple reason that they want the community <br />o furnish everything for them in the operation of their business <br />nd there is no way. It gets back to this business of the 'free <br />unch' - and there isn't any. That business with Sears, I don't <br />hink we had a prayer to begin with, even if we had had Mayor <br />aley here—because they are involved in forty -nine other shopping <br />enters with DeBartolo. Now we can all add two and two, we don't have <br />ny facts or fiction to prove or disprove the darned thing. So what - <br />ver we had done to get Sears to come down here, I think that parking <br />hing was just a crutch." <br />e Chair: "The Chair thanks the public and the press for the positive <br />mments today and the spirit of optimism." <br />9. NEXT MEETING <br />he next regularly scheduled meeting of the Redevelopment Commission NEXT <br />ill be Friday, December 3, 1976, at 10:00 A.M., E.S.T., in the offices COMMISSIOf <br />f the Department of Redevelopment. MEETING <br />12 -3 -76 <br />10. ADJOURNMENT <br />ere being no further business before the Commission, motion was ADJOURN - <br />ie for adjournment, at 11:15 a.m., by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by MENT <br />. Robinson and carried. <br />, txecutive uirec <br />(SEAL) <br />F. Jay Nimt , Pre 0 dent <br />