<br />December 9, 2019
<br />collaborative, between you and leadership, your staff, the people who support you, the folks who
<br />decide the budget and the citizens who really asked for this level and this quality of service and
<br />you have more than delivered. And I wish you best of luck in your next position where I know
<br />you'll hit it out of the ball park again.
<br />Councilmember Jake Teshka stated, I'll just echo everything that these Councilmembers have
<br />already said and what was said in the in the resolution and add that, you know, it's not just about
<br />fighting fires for you. It's about leading people. It's about our community. It's about what you've
<br />done on the medical side, the paramedic side and making sure that children and families are safe
<br />in our community, and we're just so proud. I'm proud to have our Chief again, it's it's kind of
<br />bittersweet, right, because we're saying goodbye to our Chief, but so proud to have you at that next
<br />level and thank you for your service. Audra thank you. I know that this is not an easy thing being
<br />a Firefighter's wife and especially Chief s wife, and so, we thank you for sharing your husband
<br />with us. Thank you.
<br />Councilmember Dr. Oliver Davis stated, Chief, I would like to thank you, especially for station
<br />number five (5). A lot of the work that you did to help us out at station five (5), it always looks
<br />nice when I go by there and it's been a tremendous improvement of what it used to be. So, I would
<br />always remember you from station five (5) and see you down in Indy sometimes.
<br />Councilmember John Voorde stated, We all know that nothing's more important than the provision
<br />of public safety from our Police and Fire Department. It's gratifying to know that it's been provided
<br />by you and the members of the department at such a high level. It's kind of cool that that's
<br />recognized statewide. I think you're the second (2"d) Fire Chief that's transitioned or been chosen
<br />to be State Fire Marshal. Luther Taylor, who had been chief for years also received that honor and
<br />I know that you recognize that you stand on the shoulders of those who came before you and
<br />whoever follows you will have a tough role to fill. So, thank you very much.
<br />Councilmember Karen White stated, Sometimes, being the last person to speak has pluses and
<br />minuses. At this time, all that I would say has been stated, but I would like to personally thank
<br />you for your commitment to public safety. I have enjoyed working with you on a number of issues
<br />on behalf of our citizens, and I know that you will do a wonderful job. I'm still going to call you
<br />Chief, not only for the residents here within the City of South Bend, but also statewide. I personally
<br />thank you for when we were in negotiations, your calmness, your ability to guide those discussions
<br />and reach common ground. And that has been tremendously appreciated, and we will be calling
<br />on you because we expect great returns for the City of South Bend. Thank you so much.
<br />Congratulations.
<br />Councilmember Tim Scott stated, Fire Marshal Cox, First (lst) of all, I want to commend you for
<br />not using the phrase I digress. I can't thank you for a new fire station yet, but I really want to thank
<br />you. I thank you for all the candid conversations that we've had over the years. It's truly amazing
<br />what you and your Fire Department team has done all these years. I've also been very impressed,
<br />and I absolutely love coming down watching New York firefighters train in the East race because
<br />this is a training center like no other. I don't think a lot of our citizens know that. But we get
<br />firefighters doing water rescue training from all over the country, and it just makes us proud.
<br />Disappointment was a good thing that the Republicans did. Honestly, I don't think I've ever seen
<br />it better in action. Eight (8) years ago when we had plane crash in the first (I") district out on Iowa
<br />street, and we look at a budget and I said at the time eight (8) years ago after that, you look at the
<br />budget that we pass for public safety, and the fact that we had a plane, the jets fuel in a basement
<br />with gas lines, that could have been much, much worse, and the action between the Airport and
<br />your crew and Police Department was amazing. Chief Ruszkowski at the time got me across the
<br />lines, I was watching everything up close and personal. And it was truly amazing how well your
<br />people operated. It starts with the leadership, and you you've put together the team, and you can
<br />see that team building. So, it's much appreciated, and it is bittersweet seeing you leave, but I know
<br />we're going to benefit from it across the state instead and set a good example. So, thank you so
<br />much.
<br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and
<br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard.
<br />Samuel Brown, 222 E. Navarre Street, South Bend, IN spoke in favor of Bill No. 19-88.
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