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._4. 1 <br />djoinjng the Park area, and he believes that Mr. Caesar's comments <br />n reference to that ladder is very important. Mr. Brownell had <br />old him he was going to look at the area yesterday, but from the <br />iability standpoint, as far as the City is concerned, "I am in <br />greement with Mr. Caesar that the ladders should be looked at." <br />r. Brownell stated the City's engineers and Lawson's engineers <br />ave already inspected these ladders. Mr. Caesar added the River <br />ueen docked there last night and approximately 50 people used <br />hose ladders, and he couldn't see how anyone, unless they are <br />hysically fit, can really make it up those ladders and down. <br />hey are very hazardous. <br />resident Nimtz referred to a safety cable that had been dis- <br />ussed in several meetings of various organizations to warn that <br />dam was there, or a power boat with an outboard motor that lost <br />is power, whether the River Queen could go under the bridge or not. <br />ommissioner Wiggins stated that it probably would be advisable,. <br />nasmuch as we have been responsible for creating the docking <br />acility, that the very least we could do would be to provide <br />ome kind of a signage, signal, or whatever, under the bridge <br />arning that there is a dam on the other side of this. "I think <br />e owe the people a warning." <br />resident Nimtz requested Mr. Brownell to discuss this with Mr. <br />ames Seitz, Superintendent of the Department of Public Parks, and <br />t least bring it to their attention, as it 'is probably not our <br />esponsibility to put up a cable or anything like that. <br />ommissioner Wiggins asked Mr. Slabaugh if it would be possible <br />to get a report back to the Commission at the next meeting regard- <br />ing the ladders, and Mr. Slabaugh said he will have those reports <br />efinitely. He also advised that the body of water belongs to the <br />state, in reference to Mr. Caesar's suggestion, and the men were here <br />rom the state and made a survey of all the recreational facilities <br />hat is possible to have. It is possible they may have made a con - <br />ession where the funds could come from to have something like that, <br />as Elkhart has it. "If we are going to tell the people to come in <br />nd enjoy our river, then we should make it safe. If the state <br />ants us to develop, then-they should tell us what we should do <br />ecreationwise. Mr. Seitz can also advise as to what is available." <br />d. Dainty Maid Bake Shop Liti ation, Cause No. H =698, Project Ind. R -66; <br />he Chair called on Mr. George Patton, Commission Legal Counsel, <br />to report on the settlement of the Dainty Maid lawsuit. <br />Patton advised he has been in negotiations with the attorney for <br />e Plaintiff, Mr. Gonderman, for the last several months and have <br />ached an out -of -court settlement of $3,000. This was a lawsuit <br />at arose many years ago. The lawsuit was filed by Dainty Maid <br />ainst the City of South Bend, Department of Redevelopment, Rieth- <br />ley Construction Co., Inc. and Clyde E. Williams & Associates, <br />c., concerning Dainty Maid's warehouse building on Monroe and <br />rroll. <br />7- <br />DAINTY <br />MAID BAKE <br />SHOP CLAIM <br />AUTHORIZED, <br />R -66 <br />