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4. COMMUNICATIONS (Cont'd <br />Mo ion was made by Mr. <br />un nimously carried to <br />pl ced on file. <br />5. OLD BUSINESS <br />Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Donaldson and <br />receive the above letters and to be <br />a. Ta e -down on Parcel C, Disposition Parcel No. 6 -1 R -66: Legal <br />Co nsel, Mr. Kevin J. Butler, advised today is the take -down <br />on Parcel C, which is the branch bank area. The Quit -Claim <br />De ?d is being prepared on this.and the St. Joseph River Bend <br />Development Corporation representatives are meeting at Noon <br />to ay to take the necessary action. An executed deed will be <br />de ivered to the St. Joseph River Bend Development Corporation. <br />b. Newbill Construction Company: Commissioner Robinson presented <br />a 3roblem to the Board that was brought to his attention by <br />su contractors recently working for the Newbill Construction <br />Co pany, as to whether or not this would be within the realm <br />of jurisdiction of the Redevelopment Commission to correct. <br />He stated that a couple of months ago Newbill Construction Com- <br />pany had bid on some of our single family rehabilitation con- <br />tracts, and that as far as he was concerned, the contractor was <br />granted special consideration on his performance bond and could <br />move from completion of one house to another. The bonding <br />co pany had restricted his bonding to one contract only. Since <br />th it time, some of the subcontractors who have worked for Newbill <br />Co struction Company have approached him for any assistance the <br />Co mission can grant to them to receive their money. The checks <br />th y have been receiving from Newbill Construction Company have <br />be n "bouncing all over town and they are kind of disturbed over <br />th t." <br />Commissioner Robinson asked whether this may be within the realm <br />of Commission authority to say that Newbill either straighten this <br />out financially with the subcontractors or we cancel the rest of <br />Ne bill's contracts with us and let the next lowest bidder havethe <br />contracts, or what can be done? <br />Mr. Keith P. Crighton, Director, Bureau of Housing, advised that <br />he is aware of the situation discussed by Commissioner Robinson, <br />and that those contracts relate to the Model Cities Code Enforce- <br />ment Program and steps have been taken to assure the subcontractors <br />will not take any loss as far as being paid on these. Depending <br />on what the outcome is with the general contractor, we can deter- <br />mine whether or not the present contracts will remain in force. <br />The contractor has not started the contracts in the Southeast Code <br />En orcement. Mr. Crighton advised the dollar amount is considerable <br />as far as the subcontractors' complaint, and that three of the sub- <br />contractors have contacted him personally. Those claims are docu- <br />me ted, and the Mayor and City Controller are aware of the situation, <br />an that preventative steps have been taken. <br />Co mission Legal Counsel, Mr. Butler, asked if the Notice to Proceed <br />ha been given to Newbill Construction Company on the Southeast con- <br />- 4 - <br />PARCEL C <br />TAKE -DOWN, <br />5 -7 -76, <br />DISPOSITION <br />PARCEL 6 -1, <br />R -66 <br />NEWBILL <br />CONSTRUCTION <br />COMPANY <br />