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Vd dais Mdy. Dela Proect <br />:' <br />ByJEANN DERBECK <br />Tribune S aff Writer <br />Damage caused by many <br />> acts of vanda sm may delay <br />completion of I Ilaza Park, ac- <br />cording to George Batchelder, <br />contractor for the park. <br />"I'm even more worried <br />about what vandals will do aft - <br />er the whole chain of down- <br />town riverfront parks is ready <br />for public use " Batchelder <br />said. <br />"Millions of taxpayer dol- <br />lars are being petit on these <br />parks, and I would hate to see <br />that investment wasted by <br />vandalism." <br />Batchelder said he thinks <br />the city should have an ordi- <br />nance "with so a teeth in it" <br />to protect the parks against, <br />vandalism. <br />Last week vandals tore up <br />railroad ties on the old Grand <br />Trunk railroa . bridge that <br />Batchelder's crew is convert - <br />ing to a pedestri in bridge over <br />the St: Joseph I Liver between_ <br />Plaza Park and loward Park.: <br />The vandals t ien threw the <br />railroad ties in t e river. <br />"That cause us a lot of <br />trouble and del y;" Batchei- <br />der said. <br />"We had to stop work and go <br />swimming in the river to try to <br />retrieve ties that weigh about <br />750 pounds each. It will take <br />about six weeks to replace any <br />ties we can't retrieve." <br />Work on the park has been <br />slowed by several acts of van - <br />dalism since construction be- <br />gan. <br />"It will be disastrous if we <br />have any further incidents. <br />Things like that knock us for a <br />loop," Batchelder said. <br />The park is supposed to be <br />finished by.June, in time to be <br />a site of the city's big bicen- <br />tennial Fourth of July celebra -. <br />tion. But more vandalism <br />could spoil the July 4 plans, <br />Batchelder said. <br />Taxpayers should be more <br />alert to protect their invest- <br />ment in the park, the contrac- <br />tbr said:. They should watch <br />for vandals and report inci- <br />dents to police. <br />Batchelder complained that <br />the St. Joseph County Prose- <br />cutor's office "didn't do any- <br />thing about some kids" who <br />were caught a few weeks ago <br />after stealin a bar e u ed <br />"They (at the prosecutor's <br />office) said they couldn't do <br />anything," Batchelder said. <br />Prosecutor William Voor Jr. <br />'explained last week that his <br />office must turn youths under <br />18 over to the juvenile judge. <br />"If they catch some adult <br />vandals, certainly we'll do <br />something," Voor said.- <br />"But where are your priori- <br />ties? We've got plenty to han- <br />dle with more serious items <br />like bingo and rape and mur- <br />der." <br />Batchelder then talked to <br />City Attorney Thomas Brun- <br />ner Jr. about a possible city <br />ordinance against vandalism. <br />But Brunner said.,last week <br />that the city can't have an <br />ordinance with penal provi -, <br />sions which "would attempt to <br />supersede the state law of <br />malicious trespass (which is in, <br />the county prosecutors <br />realm)." <br />"In fact, we (city officials) - <br />have been criticized recently <br />for supposedly exceeding our <br />power in the gambling area," <br />Brunner said. <br />P � <br />1 <br />g g s on <br />the river by the construction The South Bend Tribune, Sunday, April 25, 1976 23 <br />crew. <br />