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5. N8WS RELEASE (Cont'd <br />C1 <br />ni <br />ti <br />01 <br />o' <br />ai <br />i <br />W <br />w <br />t <br />d <br />a <br />t <br />Q. Are they still working specifically on what I call the Super - <br />block, or are they going out for anything there? <br />A. This Corporation was only incorporated last Friday, although <br />meetings have taken place. The major thrust of the past <br />three meetings have been to acquaint the people of South <br />Bend, with what you call Superblock, or the major retailing <br />center, and have been devoting most of the attention to that. <br />It just takes a lot of briefings and a lot of information- - <br />a lot of questions- -just to address that particular situation. <br />The overall objective of South Bend 2000 is building for the <br />21st Century, which means to do something that will make the <br />downtown very vital and lasting through and up until the <br />year 2,000. <br />Q. I hope it doesn't mean we have to wait until year 2,000' <br />Well, are they dedicated to moving fast? Are they also look - <br />ing for alternates to the Superblock concept, or are they work- <br />ing as the First Bank was -- mainly along the plan of Superblock? <br />A. Moving fast -- absolutely: What specific form that will take has <br />not been determined. It was on our Agenda when we met last <br />Wednesday- -2 -1/2 hour meeting. The developer was in and there <br />was much discussion with them, and so that point was not dis- <br />cussed. <br />Q. I want it cleared up. You know - -it looks to people as though <br />the Government is passing the buck in delay. <br />A. I would like to make one point -- particularly on the concept of <br />delay -- because a couple of the downtown people have asked if <br />this means we are going into a delay phase. This is absolutely <br />quite the contrary. We are very distinctly entering a period <br />of much greater intensity and effort on the downtown mall pro- <br />ject, so it is completely the reverse. We are in a period of <br />much greater concentration and intensity. <br />mmissioner Wiggins asked, "Now, in this broader concept that you are <br />w involved with, in the 2000 group, do you feel that you will be able <br />actively promote people into other than the area that has been more <br />less thought of in terms of Superblock? I am thinking not only <br />some of the other parts of the central core area that are vacant <br />d would welcome tenants, even in the periphery to the downtown, be- <br />use I fully expect to see, as this thing develops, a great deal of <br />terest and development in the area outside of the core area itself. <br />11 you people be involved in the whole thing ?" Mr. Bloomquist advised <br />at is being considered is not only the CSB area, but it is at least <br />e hypothesis. If we can anchor downtown with the major new dynamic <br />velopment, this will have a very positive ripple effect spreading out <br />om that, and you are going to get subsequent development not only from <br />cant land downtown, but also extending into the neighborhood. People <br />e going to want to live closer to the downtown area. It means that <br />ansportation wise, downtown is really the focal point right now, but <br />- 5 - <br />