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Wilkinson described the effort as "an uphill fight but.we do have some <br />things going for us. South Bend 2000, Inc. has inherited at nominal expense <br />development work valued excess of $250,000. We have established a unified, <br />cohesive a proach to our work. Most importantly, we have the really enthusiastic <br />Involvement of people who can get a job done." <br />The name of South Bend.2000, Inc. was chosen for the new corporation because <br />"we're bu ding for the 21st Century," Wilkinson said. He added, "It's also fair, <br />to estimate that downtown development, if'successful in its efforts, will create <br />approximately 2,000 new jobs for the people of South Bend." <br />The not- for - profit nature of South Bend 2000, Inc. can provide long range <br />benefits, Wilkinson said." He noted that if the development becomes a reality and <br />starts to generate what normally would be profits, these dollars can be "recycled <br />into the community to support other necessary development." <br />3 <br />Wilkinson emphasized that South Bend 2000, Inc. certainly does not have a <br />monopoly OtL downtown development and stated that alternative strategies should <br />strongly bet encouraged, especially since development usually complements and <br />encourages other.develo.pment. He especially praised the development efforts and <br />investigations of alternative strategies on the part of the Mayor's Committee on <br />Downtown Development and. the Chamber of Commerce: "The important thing is not who <br />gets the credit. It's what is accomplished to get downtown moving again. Without <br />some affirmative effort, we can expect the loss of additional retail business. That <br />would have disasterous results on employment, our tax base and the overall character <br />of the central part of our city." <br />Wilkinson said South Bend 2000, Inc. does not plan to make frequent reports on <br />its progress. "The confidential nature of the commercial.aspects such as private <br />financing and leasing, and department store negotiations makes it mandatory for us to <br />avoid premature announcements," he said. "Our announcements will be timely and <br />accurate. We also hope they will indicate that we have made at least some progress." <br />_ 3 _ <br />