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7. NSW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />the Housing Allowance Program, and the Director of that Program <br />is Mr. Charles F. Lennon, Jr. We have a quarterly report due <br />next week and I will be happy to provide you with a copy. We <br />have two major groups: 1) Age 45 to 50-- generally middle -age <br />homeowners and families in the home, and 2) Jump to a large <br />group of senior citizens, and they would be in excess of 64 years <br />of age. <br />8. PROGRESS REPORT: - <br />Q <br />a. <br />Relocation Progress Report: This was a written report of the RELOCATION <br />progress for the month of February by the Relocation two staff PROGRESS <br />members: REPORT <br />Southeast N.D.P. A -10: Remains the same--One (1) individual <br />waiting for vacancy in the LaSalle Park Homes. <br />Model Cities Extended Services: Working is one (1) individual <br />and staff is working with the individual to purchase re- <br />placement housing. <br />City -Wide: Remains the same - -one (1) second year Rental Assis- <br />tance Payment remains to be paid. <br />ESTION AND ANSWER SESSION- <br />The Chair invited questions from the audience. Ms. Derbeck raised <br />questions on the Southeast Rehabilitation articles that appeared <br />ir The South Bend Tribune, and discussion took place with answers <br />provided both by Mr. Crighton and Mr. Brownell. <br />10. NEXT COMMISSION MEETING <br />11. <br />The next Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Commission will be <br />a 10:00 a.m., Friday, March 19, 1976, in the Office of the De- <br />partment of Redevelopment. <br />OURNMENT <br />Mo ion was duly made by Mr. Cira, seconded by Mr. Donaldson and <br />ca ried, for adjournment, at 11:10 a.m. <br />eii, executive <br />(SEAL) <br />- 15 - <br />z, Fresiaen <br />NEXT <br />COMMISSION <br />MEETING: <br />3 -19 -76 <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />