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6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />Mr. Crighton advised when we set up our Housing Rehabilitation <br />Assistance Program, the Redevelopment Commission,`at the same <br />time, was granted authority to approve any changes in the <br />guidelines if they are recommended by the various neighborhood <br />community groups and advisory boards that we deal with in the <br />Bureau of Housing. There has been a need exhibited for assis- <br />tance to the handicapped, and the definition of 'handicapped' <br />is as noted above, from the Housing Allowance Office, that will <br />be used in accepting the applicants under this Program. He <br />stated he believes it is a good amendment to our present Program <br />and that we will be able to help the estimated 30 or 35 people <br />who have called in for assistance that we normally would not be <br />able to aid them. <br />Following questions were raised and answers provided by Mr. <br />Crighton: <br />1) Commissioner Donaldson: Then this amendment would cover <br />any handicapped, rather than the 62 and over? <br />A. Right. Provided they are the homeowner. <br />2) Ms. Derbeck: Does that mean that they can get the Housing <br />Allowance before they correct their housing violations, or <br />would they be on the same basis as the others? <br />A. They would have to follow the same procedure that we <br />do with persons 62 years of age and over, and that is <br />they apply to the Housing Allowance Program but are <br />unable to get the monthly subsidy because the house has <br />substantial code violations. They would also have had to <br />already have met the income requirements of the Housing <br />Allowance Program in order to qualify, except the fact <br />that the housing violations are being corrected, and, as <br />long as they have no financial means of making these <br />corrections and they meet our guidelines for the elderly <br />program, we would make the repairs for them. They would, <br />in turn, go back to the Housing Allowance with the final <br />inspection sheet from our group showing that we have <br />corrected the items, and they would be able to get the <br />monthly subsidy from then on. <br />3) Ms. Derbeck: In other words, what it amounts to is that for the <br />people 62 and over, you make the repairs for them? <br />A. That has existed all through '75, but this amendment would <br />extend it to all handicapped persons also. <br />4) Ms. Derbeck: So it is for the elderly and handicapped, if they <br />cannot afford to make their own repairs, you make it for them. <br />Do they get anything for that part? <br />A. No. That is done on a grant basis. <br />- 7 - <br />