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6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />The Chair advised that Mr. Brownell had discussed this with him <br />and he sees no objection to this request being granted, provided <br />the City has no objection, and, of course, this would be purely <br />for the slope and would not involve the parking area at all. <br />Mr. Kevin J. Butler, Commission Legal Counsel, advised this <br />request would need Commission approval, as technically we would <br />also be involved in the determination of the request being ap- <br />proved, and then to be submitted to the Board of Works as it is <br />leased to the City. <br />Mr. Brownell said the area they want to use is the low part of <br />the slope out to where the parking starts. <br />As the area is seeded, Commissioner Wiggins suggested we incorpo- <br />rate in the motion, a provision - -if acceptable to Ritschard Bros., <br />Inc. - -that they restore it to the condition that it is in at the <br />time they start. In other words, putting the dirt on and taking <br />it off is going to tear up the surface, and we are going to have <br />a problem of controlling it, because if it goes up in weeds- - <br />assuming there is no construction on there within the next growing <br />season [next spring], then we are going to be liable for restoring <br />the aesthetic values. The Chair agreed and said it was very well <br />put, and that he felt sure Mr. Ritschard would be very cooperative <br />in complying with our request. <br />Mr. Gene Evans, Executive Secretary, Civic Planning Association, <br />raised the question on access into the area, as to exactly how <br />they will get into the area, and whether the loaded trucks will <br />be driving over the curbs. Commissioner Wiggins responded that <br />there are two accesses into the area - -off of Washington Street, <br />and the other from the old Michigan Street across Wyman's -- <br />and there is also a curb cut there. <br />Mr. Dan Caesar, WSBT -TV Reporter, raised questions: Will it just <br />be fill dirt? What about safety - -mud slides and things like that- - <br />to prevent other people from climbing up on the dirt, and the <br />responsibilities? One big giant mud slide, with a heavy rainfall, <br />would wash it into the parking area. The liability, and will they <br />have anything there to hold the dirt back? Commissioner Wiggins <br />responded the point is well raised. The Chair stated the lease <br />would have to provide that Ritschard would be liable for any acts <br />resulting from the dumping of the dirt. <br />Motion was made for the approval of the above with the stipulations <br />included for the liability and restoring the area to present condi- <br />tion as noted above, by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Robinson and <br />carried. The approval is contingent upon Ritschard Bros., Inc. <br />receiving the demolition contract award, along with the Board of <br />Works approval, with the stipulations incorporated into the Com- <br />mercial Lease. <br />- 5 - <br />