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9. PU�LIC SESSION FOR COMMENTS AND /OR QUESTIONS (Cont'd <br />c. <br />Frances Shop: <br />Discussions on the closing of the Frances Shop raised lengthy <br />questions and answers and seeking the Redevelopment Commissioners <br />to help in any way possible to prevent another building to be- <br />come empty in the downtown area. <br />Mr. Dan Caesar raised numerous questions and stressed anything <br />the Commissioners can do to grant an assistance program to <br />retain that business, or through their legal authority, or to <br />purchase the building from the owner, as it is under a lease <br />operation. Also, that he is concerned about all the other build- <br />ings down there that may be closed unless something is done quickly. <br />Mr. Brownell referred to The South Bend Tribune article that said <br />something about a lack of foot traffic, but that there is probably <br />more foot traffic to the bakery right next door than there is any <br />place downtown. Commissioner Wiggins said the two big draws are <br />between Robertson's and the Dainty- Maid.Bakery, and that of all <br />the places on the Mall [the Plaza], that they probably have the <br />best one; and that this now goes back to what has been said many <br />times - -you cannot do everything for anybody. The guy in the spot <br />has got to do some merchandising. He suggested there may be the <br />possibility that Mr. Fishgrund just wants to retire and quit. He <br />suggested that if the employees were to get organized they would <br />have the same kind of potential here that South Bend Lathe had, <br />for example. <br />As to help through Commission's legal authority, Mr. Butler ad- <br />vised there is nothing this Department can do; nothing this Com- <br />mission can do to make the funds available. <br />Regarding Mr. Caesar's question on perhaps purchasing the build- <br />ing, Mr. Brownell advised that we have no authority to acquire <br />that building under the Program, at this time, or any funds for <br />that. <br />Mr. Kagel advised that the first thing the employees would have <br />to do if they are going to participate, even in a Small Business <br />Administration loan, is to get performance statements prepared, <br />and submit it to the financial institution. This may already <br />have been done. The performance statement is needed to sit down <br />with the Small Business Administration people in reference to fi- <br />nancing that operation. He advised the news media that there <br />has been contact, including with the Chamber of Commerce and with <br />the landlord. The key word is "sufficient leadership" for the <br />people who want the business. As to the proprietor selling to <br />the employees rather than just to close out, Mr. Kagel said the <br />statement is true, but the man who owns his own business has the <br />prorogative of doing what he wants with the business and with the <br />name. There may be legal ties involved and obligations. The name <br />of the business will not be sold to the employees. <br />- 17 - <br />