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0 <br />IA <br />NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />the contractor removed the old floor, termites were discovered, <br />which had completely infested the floor joists. [The bid for <br />the extermination showing the location of the termites was in- <br />cluded in the packet also]. Since the conditions affected the <br />immediate safety of the occupants, the extermination was ordered <br />for the structure and staff has issued a Chief Inspector's <br />Proceed Order to replace the infested joists. <br />The Change Order covers the replacement of five 2" x 6" x 30' <br />floor joists, 16" on center, at a cost of $209.00. The termites <br />have been exterminated. Staff recommended the approval of the <br />above change order. <br />Motion was made by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Cira and carried, <br />for the approval of Change Order No. 1 to Rehabilitation Contract <br />No. 65, for an increase in contract amount of $209.00, or an <br />amended contract total of: $4,121.00. <br />COMMISSIONERS CONGRATULATED <br />During the discussion period on Item 6d, the Mayor entered the Com- <br />mission meeting and the Chair temporarily recessed the meeting to <br />recognize The Honorable Peter J. Nemeth, the new Mayor of South Bend, <br />and to extend a hearty welcome and congratulations. <br />The Mayor congratulated the Commissioners on their -re- appointments. <br />to the Commission and also congratulated the new member, Mr. Lloyd <br />E. Robinson, Sr. In an air of jubilance with the Mayor's arrival, <br />the Mayor stated, it is good to be here and I am sure you will con - <br />ti ue the good work you have been doing. I wish you the best of <br />su cess in the New Year -- especially on our downtown area." <br />President Nimtz thanked the Mayor, and added: "Mayor, I can assure <br />you--although my tenure on this Commission has not been too long- - <br />that I watched it with great interest through the years as a member <br />on the Board of Trustees, and I can assure you that we have great <br />interest in seeing that downtown South Bend continues to grow.and to <br />develop. I know most of us here are old time residents of South <br />Bend and we are interested in seeing that this community continues <br />to thrive and go forward, and we can assure you of our continued <br />cooperation with you on downtown South Bend." <br />Th <br />to <br />At <br />Mayor further extended his thanks, and said, "We are certainly <br />eking forward to working with each and every one of you toward <br />! successful completion of the downtown renewal program." <br />the departure of the Mayor, the meeting re- convened. <br />- 14 - <br />