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STAFF REPORT September 11, 1995 <br /> Marathon Oil Company, et al 1685-95 <br /> Location: 2401, 2405, <br /> 2409-2411, 2413-2415, 2419, <br /> 2421 Lincolnway West, 1054 <br /> Fremont Street, 1047-1049 <br /> and 1053 North Olive Street <br /> City of South Bend <br /> REQUESTED ACTION: The petitioners are requesting a zone change <br /> from "C" Commercial, "D" Height and Area, <br /> "C-1" Commercial, "C" Height and Area, and "B" <br /> Residential, "A" Height and•Area to "C". <br /> Commercial, "E" Height and Area to allow a <br /> retail drug store with a drive-thru window. <br /> EXISTING LAND USE: The property contains a vacant commercial <br /> building, a vacant gas-station, and single <br /> family homes. <br /> SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: Located to the north are single family homes <br /> zoned "A" Residential; to the east are single <br /> family homes zoned "A" Residential and a <br /> commercial business zoned "C" Commercial; to <br /> the south is a church zoned "C" Commercial, a <br /> duplex zoned "B" Residential; and single <br /> family homes zoned "B" Residential; to the <br /> west is a multi-family home zoned "B" <br /> Residential. <br /> ACCESS: Access to the site will be from Fremont St. , <br /> Lincolnway West, and Olive St. <br /> WATER SOURCE/SEWAGE DISPOSAL: Water and sewer are available to the site. <br /> •DRAINAGE: The drainage has been addressed by the <br /> petitioner. <br /> SITE DATA: The total site to be rezoned is 1.12 acres. <br /> Of that, the buildings will occupy 10,722 <br /> square feet, or 23.3 percent of the site; the <br /> parking and drives will occupy 30,181 square <br /> feet, or 65.5 percent of the site; and 5,150 <br /> square feet or 11.2 percent of the site will <br /> remain as open space. <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL DATA: A check of the Agency's maps indicates that no <br /> public wells, wetlands, flood or environmental <br /> hazard areas are present. <br /> SITE PLAN: The site plan is preliminary. <br /> AGENCY COMMENTS: The City Engineer made the following comments: <br /> any missing or damaged sidewalk and curb <br /> abutting the property shall be replaced <br /> according to city standards. The ingress and <br /> egress easement shown on the site plan must be <br /> recorded. <br />