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9. PRESENTATION TO B. L. WADE, FORMER REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSIONER (Cont'd <br />The Commission had passed a Resolution in honor of Mr. Wade's efforts. <br />This has been framed and President Nimtz presented this Resolution <br />to Mr. Wade, along with his name plate that had been on the wall. <br />Mr Wade was appointed Commissioner by the Board of Trustees in a <br />Sp cial Meeting held by the Trustees on June 8, 1971, as a replace - <br />me t for Mr. Dean J. Wilhelm, who resigned as a Commissioner on <br />Ju a 1, 1971. <br />Mr. Wade thanked the Commissioners for the presentation, and added: <br />"I appreciate this. I said when I left the Commission, I appreciated <br />working with everyone and the City is certainly a lot better off, I <br />think, of what has happened and what might not have happened, and so <br />many times you are known for what you do wrong, instead of what you do <br />ri ht. I know it has been a trying time for all, and what you are <br />to king about this morning is so true, but, at the same time, I think <br />th t is the main thing. I'f you and I had not had urban redevelopment <br />an all the things that go with it, we would be in pretty sad shape <br />to ay, and I think sometimes people forget that. I did enjoy working <br />wi h everybody and I was on the Commission for about four years, so <br />I hought that was long enough, and I should let someone else go on <br />th Commission." <br />Th Chair, at this point, formally recognized and presented the Honor - <br />ab e Jerry J. Miller, Mayor of the City of South Bend. <br />The Mayor, on behalf of the City of South Bend, presented Mr. Wade <br />with a key to the City and said: "Bob, it's amazing what you were <br />to king about, and that you happen to be here at a time and period of <br />South Bend's history, but I think that we have had the greatest economic <br />growth that's occurred in many, many years, and you happened to be here <br />to make the major decisions to really share the deep responsibilities of <br />our future of our country and the future of the City of South Bend. In <br />my position, when I have a lot of visitors come in to South Bend, and <br />when we here sit in this room today and talk about these little problems, <br />and decide and work together to solve these problems, we sometimes forget <br />about the overall picture of the City of South Bend, and when we go to <br />of er communities and see their problems and see what's happening there <br />an come back home, I think we are a little more appreciative of our City. <br />I ad a couple in my office yesterday that had been gone for nine years <br />an came back to South Bend, and they just couldn't believe what's <br />ha pened to South Bend, and I think the people who come to South Bend <br />visiting on vacations are very surprised. You have been a very intrical <br />part in making the major decisions for the changes in downtown- -the <br />River Bend Plaza- -and I know we have many, many problems, and I know that <br />YOL and I have shared these privately, the comments that those problems <br />arE major, but yet these problems, because we have good active people like <br />thE people that are in this room today who are really interested in solving <br />thE problems, they are going to be solved, and we'll make those decisions, <br />an so I say to you, on behalf of the City, that I am very pleased and <br />ho ored to present you this key to the City. We appreciate all the fine <br />work that you have done, and your dedication in serving, without pay." <br />"WE just want to thank ou ou for what have done for our City--and y y y- -and your <br />Cit v." <br />- 19 - <br />