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9. DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT (Cont_d) <br />said that 'The Commission will give prompt consideration to this bid <br />and will proceed with the negotiation far sale of'two adjacent parcels <br />as p rt.of the'total_ construction %proposal of'the Associates and the First <br />Bank & Trust Company.' <br />Further ' Mrs. Allen stated, "in March - -the next month - -in minutes of March <br />16, 1973, there was a letter-from HUD that said they have reviewed the <br />Redevelopers Statement of Associates Bancorp., Inc., etc., and find no <br />objection to these corporations as redevelopers of the disposition parcels <br />note . Now renderings were presented in April 6, 1973 meeting and noted <br />in t ose minutes. In May 22, meeting, which was a Special Commission <br />Meet ng, you mentioned the joint venture. This is all in 1973: <br />Then it goes on down the line, and then down to August, in minutes <br />of August 3, 1973, a public hearing was held 'in' the City - Council <br />Cham ers on the amendatory urban renewal plan and minor plan changes. <br />Mr. Van Mele made the statement, in Commission minutes of April 6, 1973, <br />'We aill commence construction on Parcels 4 -31, 4 -32 and North 140 feet <br />of Parcel 4 -1, by.December 31, 1973 of this year, assuming marketability <br />title is transferred and 4 -31 and 4 -32 are completely cleared.' <br />Now then, again and as stated in the Minutes of September 21,1973, Mr. <br />Cha les F. Lennon, Jr., then the Executive Director, said there would <br />be an update of Associates status report. <br />I do not have a copy of the Minutes of May 22, 1973, so I cannot elaborate <br />on it. But I think the point is well taken. For 2 -1/2 years, everyone <br />has been under the impression that the Associates and Gulf and Western <br />had a 'hold' - -a definite hold - -with its Letter of Credit and everything-- <br />that they had a definite hold on this property, and you have not received, <br />nor welcomed, or invited' - -I should say - -bids from anyone else. Now, dur- <br />ing this 2 -1/2 years, if anyone else - -Mr. Glaser and everyone else - -had <br />realized that Associates did not have a binding commitment, we might <br />wel have received many other developers and we might well have had a <br />lot of buildings down there right now. So I think that your point is <br />wel taken that you make it very clear that Associates or the First Bank- - <br />NEI HER ONE- -has a definite commitment for this property you are trying <br />to ispose of, and make it plain that bids for its use of the property <br />are welcome from any developer at this time. <br />Commissioner Wiggins stated: "I think you ought to differentiate between <br />proposals and bids. There is a very distinct difference. We would " welcome <br />any and all proposals, and we have been in this position all along. <br />Mrs Allen responded: You were open for bids and in 2 -1/2 years later, <br />you find no fire action-was taken on that bid, but from all intent they <br />felt that their _bid had been and was accepted on this property.` And, THAT'S <br />IT!" <br />Commissioner Wiggins stated that "Mrs. Allen's comments and the comments <br />of many of the public made here, 'you are correct.' They are aware of the <br />procedure and how it takes place. At the time we had the property up for <br />bids, Associates was the only one that responded, and we had no response <br />of interest from anyone else at that time. We should all be aware- -the <br />=YAM <br />