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8. PROGRESS REPORTS (Cont'd <br />Mr. Werley said they had recommended that the walls <br />be made wide enough to use for seating and the low <br />bricks around the planting - -a favorite with the <br />kids. It is a delight to see that they participate. <br />They have forwarded the catalog data to Lou Wilcox <br />on spare benches, and at one that was considered <br />a part of the design process. It will be very con- <br />venient for them to forward that information on the <br />benches, bicycle.racks, etc., to the staff. <br />Commissioner Wiggins requested he stay on top of <br />that and report back to the Commission -- nothing <br />really happens- -and we need to stay on top of that. <br />On the Pool "B" fountains, Mr. Werley said he talked <br />with Dan Akin this morning and Dan will be making <br />the formal recommendation that the water should not be <br />visible as a "bubbling" unit but slide smoothly down <br />the base. When the volume is turned down, we will <br />not have the separation from the wind. Mrs. Allen's <br />complaint on the water going all over the sidewalk, <br />Mr. Werley said they are also working on that and <br />they will need a baffle device to have it slide over <br />the edge of the fountain, rather than surge, and they <br />have been working on that. <br />Mr. Louis N. Wilcox, Director of the River Bend Plaza, <br />said he wanted to add to Mr. Werley's comments, that <br />they have been very cooperative and have substantially <br />performed the tasks allowed them, which have been made <br />by the Commission. In partial answer to Commissioner <br />Wiggins on his suggestion on the bike rack which Mr. <br />Werley's firm had sent him, also the furniture in his <br />office to be compatible with the decor, the Commissioners <br />will hear from him on the suggestions and costs on some <br />of the items - -not pressing with winter coming on, but <br />he will be in position by spring to have some items <br />corrected. Many merchants on the Plaza are also offer- <br />ing the same comments as Commissioner Wiggins on the <br />seating and he was sure this can be reconciled. <br />2) River Bend Plaza Schedule Report: In the way of RIVER BEND PLAZA <br />activities, Mr. Louis N. Wilcox asked Mr. Edward SCHEDULE REPORT <br />F. Soltez, Chairman of the Cap Council of the <br />United Auto Workers, to give a run -down. <br />Mr. Soltez advised on October 31, on the supergraphics, <br />they are going to put on a program for Halloween. The <br />programs are specifically oriented for pre - school and <br />kindergarden; grades 1, 2 and 3; 4, 5 and 6; and 7 <br />through 12; with prizes to be awarded to each of the <br />twelve winners for the best and most original costume. <br />Anticipate having magic tricks to costume parades and <br />high school bands. <br />- 19 - <br />