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5. COMMUNICATIONS (Cont'd) <br />Certification <br />form for Contract No. 6, Model Neighborhood Code <br />Enforcement <br />Project, E -6, no later than June 25, 1974. When <br />this <br />document is received and approved, HUD will authorize a <br />prec <br />nstruction conference. <br />d. HUD letter dated June 7, 1974: This letter, over <br />CONTRACT NO. 4, <br />the signature <br />of Ms. Joyce C. Rayford, Equal Opportunity <br />MN #1 & SE #1, <br />Specialist, <br />also requests Mr. Alford, our EEO Officer, to <br />NDP PROJECT A -10 <br />have <br />the contractor state the type of operators on the Bidders <br />Certification <br />form for Contract No. 4, MN #1 and SE #1, NDP <br />Project <br />A -10. <br />Request <br />is to be submitted prior to June 21, 1974. <br />e. HUD letter dated June 7, 1974: This letter, over <br />CONTRACT NO. 3, <br />the signature <br />of Ms. Joyce E. Rayford, Equal Opportunity <br />NDP PROJECT A -10, <br />Specialist, <br />advises all documentation has been received and <br />& CONTRACTS NO. <br />approved <br />for Contract No. 3, in the NDP Project A -10, and <br />4 & 5, PROJECT <br />Contracts <br />No. 4 and 5, in the Model Neighborhood Code En- <br />E -6 APPROVED <br />forc <br />ment Project, E -6. <br />The <br />reconstruction conference is authorized to be sche- <br />dule <br />and held here and the documentation of the preconstruc- <br />tion <br />conference is to be submitted to HUD. <br />f. HUD letter dated June 12, 1974: This letter, over GRAND OPENING, <br />the signature of Miss Fredi Beth Ro sky, Acting Program RIVER BEND PLAZA <br />Mana er, advises she is pleased to accept our invitation <br />to a tend the Grand Opening of the River Bend Plaza in <br />Soutl Bend, on June 30, 1974. <br />Mr, Lennon advised that we have received similar letters <br />from other HUD officials that they will be here for our <br />Grand Opening of the River Bend Plaza. Mr. James E. Arm- <br />strong, Director of the HUD Area Office, will also be pre- <br />sent. <br />Lt. overnor Robert D. Orr will speak at the dedication <br />and several dignitaries are expected from around the state, <br />with at least three officials from HUD. <br />On m tion by Rev. Williams, seconded by Mr. Wiggins and <br />unanimously carried, the above letters were to be received <br />and laced on file. <br />6. OLD BUSINESS <br />a. Public Hearing on Southeast Side Housing Project,. <br />Indiana E -7: Mr. Lennon advised this is the second Public <br />Hearing on the Southeast Side Housing Project, Indiana E -7. <br />The first Public Hearing was held Monday evening, in the <br />Broadway Christian Parish, with the residents of the South- <br />east side at which time we received a list of.recommenda- <br />tion from the special PAC Advisory Board meeting of June <br />- 5 - <br />NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOP- <br />MENT PROGRAM GUIDELINES <br />APPROVED, IN PUBLIC <br />HEARING, PROJECT E -7 <br />