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110 ge 7. <br />sugga, <br />If2rit <br />Given at Public lie arinC_: June, 17, Ic"y", <br />PFUU-1 �1DCIAL P.A.C. ADVISOld BORM 1,31132L4G, Jmie 12, 1974 <br />&hcoidaeats to the Redevclo,,pinent Coiauission Neigh:oorhood i)ovc1o1D,-- <br />rra.ra Gui,_iel:Libo .- araft of Jime 11, 1974. <br />To be &eseatcd to the Coiraiission at theix Public Hearing on cbaday, June <br />17, 19-*. <br />1. <br />2. <br />3. <br />fe S t ion S <br />1,11103...­cve =:r the worcls mr "grants" or "gxants" alopear, ';C,rant <br />arj,31ur loaun" or 1'gXants aand/or lomis" be substitut e-U. <br />a p�raqra-rx' 401, a sqpaxate �uragralah be, a c--,d to <br />- - I � ain <br />fully the r-iqlats of lancl contrac:L ;,myers Ta3, ing thei.ii tn::� <br />eUicjible m1cliPielt, a:n(A s,,,C)t tha seller anl- s a eecalarding their <br />contract. <br />b. That p=a ca, 03 be ch,-2ige,,1 to rcad� <br />n slia.11 k1 c^ Clep.,-:-a- <br />`1he of the- crant a-n-.3/or loaz Z�l <br />dmt on threa factors. a slidi-oge scale of fartily siz-::=,, <br />jilcolaw amd aga, eie .try Y3 of rep cxirs necessaxy, az detco-z-C"ned <br />by ins-pecticla, and the, dli.scretlon of '1 he A'dvi":"ory <br />c. In thiz scC: if,,)a, should, c,?Iso be inc!.buaed an of <br />U-M JC,<In &,Fj Z-1 31 h-jtereSt loal, 4 �A4. 1: jl ijiterest y�,,iid on a <br />also a 10 yea: ±11 <br />d. V-1a et_lso a sliclujyg scale as atti_--jiec;; to this re- <br />Port. <br />Admir.1strative <br />to �'I: "T,`aose applicat-Lons rece-Lved. aftc,,-, the % <br />W <br />si-z: week deadllne will be placed on file for future funding. <br />b. Also in par,,_igrlaph 41 thcKe should 'be a sentence to the <br />affect: "All residents of the project area shall be duly <br />notified of their right to participate and how to apply. <br />c. In paragraph --!."-,2 should be added.: "The homeowner or his <br />agent must accomipany the inspecto,,.- throughout- the in- <br />sPectlon and Ole appeal, prIo-cess rmist be given to the home- <br />oxvaer at the time of ec tion." <br />d. In paragraph 14 add to the end of "being appraised": <br />"Except at the. discretion of the AdvIALSory COUIU11ttee.1, <br />e. Paragraph #G slaould read; <br />"Applicnats who ci-,,A satisfy the Advisory Con,21ttee <br />of their dealo-notrated ab-.�,.Hty to coinnplete the i•ece3sary <br />rehabilitation work by t-h cats elves witbin a g:L•7cn time <br />can be e-.zempted from the bulk cox tract' and will be pro- <br />vided the materials for use in the work. All work will <br />be subject to ongoing inspections and a final j.u&pection.11 <br />