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7. PROGRESS REPORTS (Cont'd <br />2) Merry Avenue Project: Mr. Larry E. Wartha, Assis- MERRY AVENUE PROJECT <br />tant Director of Administration and Finance, sub- <br />mitted a written report for the month of December. <br />The update is: <br />Acquisition: <br />Seven parcels to be acquired (three <br />County- owned, three by condemnation, <br />and one regular procedure). <br />Demolition: <br />First contract was awarded November <br />17, 1972. Notice to Proceed: December <br />1, 1972. Five structures remain for <br />demolition. <br />Condemnation: <br />Six condemnations (three county <br />and three regular). <br />Rezoning: <br />First reading by City Council held <br />October 22, 1973. Area Plan re- <br />commended petition favorable on <br />11- 20 -73, subject to final site plan. <br />Publi:c hearing by City Council was <br />scheduled for December 17, 1973. <br />3) Rehabilitation Report: Mr. William C. Ellison, REHABILITATION REPORT <br />Assistant Director of Rehabilitation, submitted <br />the following: <br />E -3: We have five incompleted rehabilitation jobs. <br />Four of these are approximately 95% complete. <br />E -5: We have five rehabilitation jobs in progress. <br />Working out the problems with the contractor. <br />R -57: All -out effort will be made to complete the <br />R -57 complaints, with the exception of the <br />major exterior jobs at present. <br />E -6: The staff is in the process of rewriting the <br />rehabilitation contract to meet regulations <br />provided in HUD -675 guide forms for contract <br />documents for the rehabilitation of real <br />property. Inspections that were cancelled be- <br />cause of the funding freeze by HUD in October <br />are being rescheduled. E -6 compliance with <br />EEO regulations and staff to conduct inspec- <br />tions are being determined for scheduling. <br />Relocation Progress Report: Mrs. Dorothy Howell, RELOCATION PROGRESS <br />Director of Residential Relocation, submitted a REPORT <br />written report for the month: <br />A -10, SE #1: 30 on remaining workload (23 families <br />and 7 individuals). <br />