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NEXT COMMISSION MEETING <br />The next meeting of the Redevelopment Commission will be <br />at 1 :30 a.m., Friday, December 21, 1973, in the Office of <br />the epartment of Redevelopment. <br />Also, the Annual Organization Meeting is Wednesday, <br />January 2, 1974, at 10:00 a.m., and Special Commission Meet- <br />ing following thereafter. The regularly scheduled meeting <br />for January 4, 1974 will not be held. <br />12. (ADJOURNMENT <br />On motion duly made and passed by Mr. Wade, the meeting <br />adjo rned at 11:50 a.m. <br />NEXT MEETING, <br />DECEMBER 21, 1973 <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />r es F. Lennon, Jr., E cutive Director �Fre J. n, resident <br />- 24 - <br />