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4. CQMMUNICATIONS (Cont'd <br />d HUD letter dated Au ust 24 1973: This letter, WAGE RATE DECISION, <br />over the signature of Mr. Daniel owman, Assistant BECK'S LAKE SECONDARY <br />Director, Technical Services Branch, enclosed current Wage STORM SEWER, R -57 <br />Rate Decision in effect, for Beck's Lake Secondary Storm <br />Outlet Sewer, R -57. <br />Further discussion for this is under "New Business," 6h. <br />e. HUD letter dated August 25, 1973: This letter, ACQUISITION PROCLAIMERS <br />over the signature of Mr. H. L. Bainaka, Acting Director, NOS. 1 & 2, A -10 <br />Operations Division, relates to Acquisition Proclaimer <br />Nos. 1 and 2, A -10. Future certification of acquisition <br />prices should be revised to conform to requirements of <br />paragr ph 22a of HUD 1320.1 with submission according to <br />Paragr ph 22c of Handbook. <br />f. HUD letter dated August 27, 1973: This letter, IND. A- 10a(LG) <br />over tie signature of Mr. Tomas P. McNa y, Area Counsel, MODIFYING AGREEMENT <br />submitted an original of executed Contract Ind. A- lOa(LG) ^s NO. 1 <br />first nodifying agreement. Amendment's date of execution: <br />August 23, 1973. <br />Mr. Le non advised we are proceeding in the acquisition <br />and relocation of the families. <br />On motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Chenney and <br />unanimously carried, the above letters are to be received <br />and placed on file. <br />5. OLD BUSINESS <br />e. <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />a. Demolition Contract No. 33: This contract was ap- DEMOLITION CONTRACT <br />proved foradvertising by Commission on May 18, 1973. Ad- NO. 33 AWARDED TO: <br />vertis ment appeared in The South Bend Tribune on August <br />1 and 8, 1973; in the Tri- County News on August 3 and 19, JULIUS O'NEAL TRUCKING <br />1973. Notices of Proofs of Publication were presented by CO., R -66 <br />Mr. Le non. Bid opening was on August 31, 1973, at 10:00 <br />A.M., S.T., in the Department of Redevelopment. The bids <br />receiv d and publicly opened were: <br />NAME O� CONTRACTOR <br />Howel 1 <br />111 E. <br />Elkhaw <br />Construction Co., Inc. <br />Windsor Street <br />. IN 46514 <br />- 7 - <br />BID AMOUNT <br />$ 14,000.00 <br />