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6. <br />Mr <br />wa <br />to <br />at <br />to <br />ve <br />se <br />ve <br />to <br />be <br />mi <br />wo <br />fr <br />Bu <br />fr <br />s <br />wit <br />the <br />wit <br />Com <br />pla <br />s to <br />in <br />of <br />of <br />NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd) <br />Slabaugh advised in the Washington intersection it <br />tested twice - -came up to 95 %. In the morning it was <br />e, made them recompact it. Shilts, Graves & Associ- <br />, Inc. is the contractor who oversees this. We have <br />all them in to make the tests. We are following that <br />closely. <br />ident Helmen said the Commission is interested in <br />ng that this is properly done because it can be a <br />serious matter. Make a report on this from time <br />ime. Do a good job on this. If that sinks, we will <br />n a bad way. Mr. Slabaugh said he will give the Com - <br />ion copies of the certified report. <br />f. Board of Public Safety Contract per Workable <br />cram: Mr. Lennon advised this is in accordance with <br />s request and concurrence with the Commission that it <br />d be more desirable to combine the inspection personnel <br />i the Board of Public Safety, Department of Public Safety, <br />au of Substandard Buildings and the inspection personnel <br />i the Redevelopment Department into one unified inspection <br />. The mutual intent and purpose of the Board and the <br />ission is to develop a more comprehensive building in- <br />tion program as it relates to the elimination of sub - <br />dard dwelling units in the City of South Bend, both <br />in and outside of Federal Project Areas as expressed in <br />1973 Workable Program of the City of South Bend. <br />ission authorization was requested to enter into a contract <br />the Board of Public Safety, per Workable Program. The <br />ission shall reimburse the Board for the additional duties <br />ed upon its Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Sub - <br />dard Buildings, in the amount of $1,567.00, payable monthly <br />qual installments of $261.66 upoon receipt by the Commission <br />onthly claims submitted by the Board during the existence <br />his contract. <br />On motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Chenney and unani- <br />mously carried, the President and Secretary were authorized <br />to enter into the above Memorandum of Agreement. <br />g. Revised Change Order No, 5, Phase II -A, with Howell <br />Con truction Com an , R -66: Mr. Butler, Commission Legal <br />Cou sel, had been requested to enter into negotiations for <br />thi change order, which covered Class X excavation. <br />Mr. Butler said Change Order No. 5, on Phase II -A, was ini- <br />tially authorized by the Commission a year ago - -in July, <br />1972. Phase II -A, site improvement, was for work done along <br />the River by Howell Construction Company to prepare that for <br />a street bed and retaining wall. The contract is nearly com- <br />ple ed, ready to request the final inspection on this parti- <br />cul r project. <br />- 10 - <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC <br />SAFETY CONTRACT <br />AUTHORIZED <br />REVISED CHANGE <br />ORDER NO. 5, PHASE <br />II -A, R -66, <br />APPROVED <br />