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M <br />mo <br />on <br />Wi <br />an <br />be <br />NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd) <br />t of the work will be done by November 15th. The <br />the of December, January and February - -being contingent <br />the weather - -will not preclude work if weather permits. <br />1 proceed and start again in March, proceed to finish <br />wind up the first of June, 1974, but we hope it will <br />finished long before that. <br />Mr. Lennon advised we also had a meeting on May 28th with <br />ThE Hickey Company representatives, and also with the <br />la dscaping contractor, Exterior Designing, Inc., who has <br />material which he has to move into the City, and is re- <br />questing a place to stock pile. Stockpiling was author - <br />iz d on Block 6--20 acres along the river - -as we will not <br />be needing the land at this time, and it is easily accessible <br />to haul from there to the Mall. <br />Mr. Lennon also advised that in conjunction with the Work <br />Pr gram, we will be meeting on site on a weekly basis. Also, <br />on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, we will have Con- <br />struction Coordination Meetings on the Pedestrian Way (Mall), <br />with representatives of The Hickey Company, Dept. of Public <br />Wo ks, Inspection Dept., Fire Dept., Traffic Engineer, Traffic <br />Di ision, and Mr. John Kagel, Executive Director of the Down- <br />to n South Bend Council. <br />Tho Hickey Company, Inc. have met, to the best of their ability, <br />all eleven (11) requests by the Commission. These are attached <br />to the Official Minutes, dated May 30, 1973. <br />Mr. Lennon said the awarding of the contract is contingent on <br />approval by HUD, and we are asking for a Pre - Construction Con- <br />ference, tentatively on June 5, 1973, but no later than June <br />14, 1973. <br />On motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Wade and unanimously <br />carried, the Work Program, as submitted by The Hickey Company, <br />Inc was accepted. Also authorization was unanimous to issue <br />Notice to Proceed to The Hickey Company, Inc. for barrier work <br />only; and authorization for Exterior Designing, Inc. to stock- <br />pilo on Block 20, as discussed above. <br />b. Demolition and Site Clearance Contract No. 32: In <br />Comnission meeting of May 4, 1973, Demolition Contract No. 32 <br />award to Miller Construction Company was cancelled and Commis- <br />sion approval given to publish notice for rebidding - -the parcels <br />as ioted in Minutes of May 4. The advertisement appeared in <br />The South Bend Tribune and Tri- County News on May 11 and May 18, <br />1973, with bid opening on May 29, 1973, at 10:00 A.M., E.S.T., <br />publicly opened in the Department of Redevelopment, with one <br />(1) firm submitting a bid, and one (1) bid received after the <br />legal deadline, by Howell Construction Co., Inc., and conse- <br />que tly could not be accepted. Four (4) firms picked up bid <br />doc ments. The one bidder being: <br />1Wt <br />DEMOLITION & SITE <br />CLEARANCE CONTRACT <br />NO. 32, AWARDED TO <br />JULIUS O'NEAL TRUCE <br />ING CO., R -66 <br />