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4. INEW BUSINESS (Cont'd) <br />come in with $3 -1/2 Million Dollars and include the <br />four blocks. Mr. Lennon advised interest is accruing <br />with $3.8 Million Dollar Bond -- gaining approximately <br />$180,000 - -that is pertinent -- adding interest to the <br />cost of the bond. The accruing interest can be used <br />to pay for the additional cost on the four blocks. <br />4) Mrs. Allen strongly opposed, as she stated: "We are <br />duplicating what Michigan City has ", and firmly opposed <br />the types of places for the people to sit, fountains <br />and boulders, and above all the upkeep of the Mall, <br />stating the Park Department has $180,000 *budgeted to <br />take care of it and we should certainly consider this <br />cost. <br />Two of the Commissioners responded to her arguments <br />against the Mall plans: <br />a. Mr. Wiggins said to Mrs. Allen: We have taken action <br />to move forward and have dealt in as realistic a <br />fashion as we could. I take it you are opposed to <br />the Mall, and you have every right to your opinion. <br />b. Mr. Wade informed Mrs. Allen the Commission is here <br />to protect the taxpayers' interests and will not let <br />the taxpayers' money be dissipated, and have no in- <br />tention of letting anything like that happen. The <br />Commissioners have spent a lot of time on this. We <br />have the best firms that money can buy to help. <br />Officially, we are saying that this is going to be <br />worked properly, efficiently, and economically. <br />The Commissioners- -also as taxpayers - -are interested <br />in the welfare of the people and are very interested <br />in this Mall. <br />5. NEXT MEETING <br />The next Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Commission will NEXT MEETING, <br />be a 10:30 A.M., Friday, June 1, 1973, in the Office of the Depart- JUNE 1, 1973 <br />ment of Redevelopment. <br />6. <br />On motion duly made and passed by Mr. Wiggins, the meeting ADJOURNMENT <br />adjo rned at 10:48 A.M. <br />* In Commis ion Meeting of June 1, 1973, amended to read: $80,000.00. <br />