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4. PRESENTATION TO MAYOR JERRY J. MILLER: <br />Mr. Lloyd S. Taylor at this point made a presentation <br />of an enlarged, framed and very attractive, aerial photo- <br />graph of the present Downtown South Bend and outlying <br />areas to the Honorable Jerry J. Miller, Mayor of the <br />City of South Bend, on behalf of the Department of Re- <br />development Commission and staff. <br />The Mayor commended this Commission, Mr. Fred J. Helmen, <br />Chairman, and others, and Lloyd S. Taylor, for the work <br />they iave done -- especially this past year -- having people <br />in co petition for urban renewal land is a happy type of <br />probl m. Mayor Miller said: "I will place this in,my <br />offic and everyone in the community can see the picture. <br />Thank so much." <br />5. R - APPOINTMENT OF SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSIONERS: <br />M-. F. Jay Nimtz, President of the Board of Trustees, <br />advis d in conformity with Indiana Statutes, the South Bend <br />Redev lopment Trustees met on the first Monday in December- - <br />the 4;h--in their Annual Meeting. Mr. Nimtz, President of <br />the R development Trustees, presented a letter dated Decem- <br />ber 1 , 1972, from the Board of Trustees to the Redevelop- <br />ment �ommission, which he read: <br />"Thin iz to o j jic ,ally adviz e you that the <br />Redevelopment Tturteez have te- appointed all <br />of you, namely: <br />Mt. Erred J. Helmen <br />Mt. John E. Chenney <br />Rev. Willie V. Wilt .amz <br />Mt. B. L. Glade <br />Mt. Donald A. Wigginz <br />ass Redevelopment Commizzionexz Got the yeah <br />1973. It iz out hope that all o� you wall <br />accept thin community taponzibiZity. <br />On behal6 of the eitizenz o4 South Bend, the <br />Redevelopment Tturtees want to thank you Got <br />the many yea&z of devotion and woAk you have <br />given to thin civic duty o4 tebuitding South <br />Bend. All of you have leit an indeZible <br />stamp on Downtown South Bend, which w,%ll be <br />teeognized and will lave jot many, many yeatz <br />to come. There iz no way the citizenz can <br />repay you Got your ditigenee and devotion to <br />thin ptoj ect. <br />It hays been a gteat pteazute dot the Tturteez <br />to woAk with you through the yeatz <br />AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH <br />PRESENTED TO: <br />MAYOR JERRY J. MILLER <br />COMMISSIONERS RE- <br />APPOINTED BY TRUSTEES <br /> every good wish, I am <br />Vex yt�s <br />E. lay tu N1mtzyou, PtLzidenx <br />Redevelopment Tturteez' - 5 - <br />