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3 <br />.NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd) <br />Motion made by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Wade, that <br />one staff member be authorized to make the trip to <br />Min eapolis, on January 26 and 27, 1972. Motion was <br />una imously carried. <br />1. N.A.H.R.O. Meeting: Authorization was re- N.A.H.R.O. MEETING, <br />quested for one staff me m er to attend the N.A.H.R.O. CINCINNATI, OHIO <br />Meeting on February 17 and 18, 1972. Mr. Taylor said AUTHORIZED <br />that Mr. Barbe would like to attend this meeting. He <br />is it member of the Executive Committee. <br />Mr. Chenney asked what benefit we get out of these <br />meetings, as far as our Commission is concerned? Presi- <br />dent Helmen said the Commission has encouraged Mr. Barbe <br />to Attend these and he is now in an official capacity. <br />It s in order to let him go. <br />Mr. Chenney moved for authorization of one staff member <br />to attend this N.A.H.R.O Meeting, seconded by Mr. Wade, <br />and unanimously carried. <br />M. Investment: Authorization was requested to INVESTMENT AUTHORIZED, <br />invest Five Hundred Thousand ($500,000.00) Dollars from R -66_ <br />P.E A., Ind. R -66, in Treasury Bills with St. Joseph <br />Bank & Trust Company for a period of One (1) Month. <br />Mr. Taylor advised this is normal instruction to the <br />Dept.1ty Controller to make the investment. <br />On motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Wade, the <br />above investment was authorized for one (1) month. <br />Mot on unanimously carried. <br />n. Real Estate Research Corporation: Approval of REAL ESTATE RESEARCH <br />a c ntract with Real Estate Research Corporation of CORPORATION CONTRACT <br />Chicago, Illinois for market study was requested. This AUTHORIZED, R -66 <br />is n the amount of $12,500.00, with the further recom- <br />mendation that, subject to approval of the terms of the <br />agreement, they would be our disposition consultant on <br />the Downtown Renewal Program, R -66. <br />President Helmen asked if the staff has talked to these <br />people and know their reputation? Mr. Taylor advised <br />we have been negotiating this contract for some time, <br />and he asked Mr. Miller to bring the Commission up-to- <br />date. <br />Mr. Miller said that we began last April or May to make <br />the appropriate contacts to obtain assistance in the <br />disposition of Downtown renewal land. We requested <br />proposals from four consultants and have interviewed <br />each of these firms. We have concluded the firm best <br />equ Aped to do the job is Real Estate Research Corpora - <br />tio , which is based in Chicago and is immediately <br />ava lable. <br />=I= <br />