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3. APPROVAL <br />OF CLAIMS <br />Cont'd) <br />REIMBURSEMENT <br />TO REVOLVING FUND <br />Project <br />Expenditures <br />Account, <br />R -57 <br />$ 4,029.76 <br />Project <br />Expenditures <br />Account, <br />R -66 <br />13,834.28 <br />Project <br />Expenditures <br />Account <br />Code Enforcement E -3 <br />14,422.58 <br />Project <br />Expenditures <br />Account <br />Code Enforcement E-5, <br />Total <br />33,090.6 <br />4. COMMUNICATIONS <br />a South Bend Public Library Letter Dated SOUTH BEND PUBLIC <br />November is refers to previous correspondence LIBRARY, DISPOSITION <br />regard ng Disposition Parcel No. 8 -17, Library expansion, PARCEL N0. -8 -17, R -66, <br />and was delayed for further consideration by Library Board TABLED <br />which riet on November 1. They-again reiterated their inter- <br />est in :acquiring this parcel adjacent to the main library <br />buildi g for availability in eventual construction for ex- <br />pansio to existing building. <br />The Board feels they cannot legally make the commitment on <br />behalf of a future Library Board in that construction on <br />the property could not begin within five years after acqui- <br />sition, They are willing to accept the offered price of <br />1-87,96".00, for the parcel, without any restrictions except <br />agains4 its use for a parking lot. <br />Commis ion Legal Counsel, Mr. Bruce C. Hammerschmidt, re- <br />questeq this item be tabled until we receive an answer. <br />from H D to our letter dated November 8th. <br />b Inwood's Store, Inc. Letter Dated November 17, <br />1971: Inwood 's are interested in leasing vacant property <br />immedi tely North of their store - -lot on Southwest corner <br />of Michigan and Western - -for parking until purchased by <br />develo ers. <br />The Ch it requested a letter be written that the property, <br />in que tion, is not available for leasing. <br />5. OLD BUSINESS <br />a. Amendatory Application Consultant, R -66: This <br />item w s again tabled by Commission. <br />b.1 Tunnel Under St. Joseph Street for Cultural <br />Center Mr. Ashenfelter advised this was previously dis- <br />cussee and acted on in Commission meeting of November 5, <br />1971. <br />On November 17th, another meeting was held in this office <br />with.City Engineer, Mr. Lloyd S. Taylor, and Clyde E. <br />Willia s & Associates representatives, Messrs. Fred E. <br />IME <br />PARKING LEASE, R -66 <br />CONSULTANT SERVICES <br />FOR AMENDATORY APPLI- <br />CATION TABLED, R -66 <br />TUNNEL DESIGN AUTHORIZED <br />TO BE 12' 6" HIGH BY <br />25' WIDE, R -66 <br />