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6. <br />VEW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />The iomes are in varying stages of completion - -80% to <br />85% omplete. All are enclosed. The feel.i, the <br />neig borhood is that aluminum siding was offered them: <br />and the siding material being used is brick. The <br />housles are not selling. <br />Mr. Hammerschmidt advised these are speculative houses <br />and are not under contract.. Our contract with the firm <br />says if the developer does-not complete the homes, they <br />are in default. We would have the authority to complete <br />and sell the homes. The firm is also confronted with <br />:vandalism in the area. <br />President Helmen requested Mr. Hammerschmidt be given <br />the name and address of the firm, along with site <br />addresses of homes. <br />e. Resolution No'. 376: This Resolution authorizes <br />the execution of the Redevelopment Agreement for the <br />Disposition of Land'and the Execution of Warranty. Deeds <br />for the transfer of title thereto for Parcel'Nos. 20 -1 <br />and 1/2 of 20 -2, in the LaSalle.Park Urban Renewal Project, <br />R-57. <br />On oti on by Rev. . Williams , seconded by Mr.:_ _Wi_ggi ns , Resol u <br />ti o No. 376 was adopted. Motion unanimously carried. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 376 <br />APPROVED, R -57 <br />f. Contract 15 -A, 15 -B and 15 -C: Commission approval CONTRACT 15 -A, 15 -B & <br />was requested of these contracts, subject to..Commission 15 -C APPROVED, R -66 <br />Legal Counsel approval, and the President and Secretary <br />authorized to sign. The contracts were awarded in Com- <br />mis ion meeting of August 9th. <br />Abo a motion was made by Mr. Wiggins,.seconded by Rev. <br />Williams, and unanimously carried. <br />g. Commercial Lease: Approval was requested of COMMERCIAL LEASE <br />a Commercial Lease with Odeva Haynes, for the use of APPROVED, E -5 <br />premises at 128 North Birdsell Street fora site office <br />for the Model Cities Project, E -5, from November 1, 1971 <br />through November 1, 1972, for the sum of $125.00 per <br />month. <br />On motion by Rev. Williams, seconded by Mr. -Wiggins, the <br />Commercial Lease was authorized. Motion unanimously <br />car ied. <br />qu <br />Pa <br />h. Rehabilitation Grants: Authorization was re- TWO (2) REHABILITATION <br />ted for two 2 Rehabilitation Grants, in the LaSalle GRANTS APPROVED, PARCEL <br />Urban Renewal Project, R -57, for the following: NOS. 21 -10 & 21 -349 <br />R -57 <br />-7- <br />