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<br /> 10/3/2019 <br /> Page 3 <br />Part 61). The professional shall be either an employee of the City or an outside consultant <br />retained by the City to perform historic preservation work. The City shall advise the Indiana <br />SHPO in writing of all professional personnel selected to perform the historic preservation work <br />and provide personnel qualifications. In the event the professional changes, the City shall notify <br />the Indiana SHPO in writing of the change and submit the qualifications of the personnel sel ected <br />to perform the historic preservation work using the appropriate form found on the Qualified <br />Professionals section of the Indiana SHPO’s website at If the <br />City does not have a qualified professional in place or does not utilize a qualified outside <br />consultant, then the City will comply with 36 CFR Sections 800.3 through 800.7 with regard to <br />individual undertakings covered by this agreement. <br /> <br />II. IDENTIFICATION OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES <br /> <br />A. The City shall define the Area of Potential Effects (APE) for each undertaking <br />and identify historic properties within the APE that may be affected by the <br />project. The APE means the geographic area or areas within which an <br />undertaking may directly or indirectly cause changes in the character or use of <br />historic properties, if any such properties exist. The APE is influenced by the <br />scale and nature of an undertaking and may be different for different kinds of <br />effects caused by the undertaking (see 36 C.F.R § 800. 16[d] for further <br />guidance). <br /> <br />B. In the course of conducting project reviews, the City shall note and continue to <br />update the existing or current Indiana Historic Sites and Structures Inventory <br />(IHSSI) for St. Joseph County and the IHSSI for the City of South Bend in <br />consultation with the Indiana SHPO and according to the Secretary of the <br />Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Identification and Evaluation: (Standards <br />and Guidelines for Identification and Evaluation; (48 FR 44720-26). Please note <br />that, when available, the State Historic Architecture and Archaeological Research <br />Database (SHAARD) should be used in place of the Interim Report book version <br />of the IHSSI. Access to SHAARD is available through the Indiana SHPO’s <br />website. Updates to the inventory shall be provided in an annual report by the <br />City to the Indiana SHPO as required by Stipulation IX. <br /> <br />C. For projects involving properties that are not identified in the inventory but are <br />40 years old or older, the City shall apply the National Register of Historic Places <br />(National Register) Criteria for Evaluation (36 CFR Section 36.6) to determine <br />those properties’ eligibility for inclusion in the National Register, and follow the <br />Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Archaeology and <br />Historic Preservation (48 FR 44716-42). If there is any question as to whether a <br />property may meet the criteria, the City shall submit documentation to the <br />Indiana SHPO for evaluation. If the City disagrees with the opinion of the <br />Indiana SHPO, the City shall request a determination of eligibility from the <br />Secretary of the Interior in accordance with applicable National Park Service <br />regulations. <br /> <br />1. To ensure application of the criteria for evaluation, properties that are not <br />identified in the survey, but are 40 years old or older, shall be evaluated <br />by a professional as defined in Stipulation I. <br />