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6. NEWIBusiness (Cont'd <br />sidewal s, curbs and appurtenances, in the Central Down- <br />town Ur )an Renewal Project, R�-66, were received yesterday, <br />May 6th and will be reviewed by the City.Engineer and <br />our sta f, and submitted to HUD for authorization. When <br />these p eliminaries` are completed, we can advertise. <br />Mr. Wig ins moved to authorize the Executive Director to <br />adverti e Phase I, contingent on HUD approval. Said motion <br />was sec nded °`by Mr. Chenney and unanimously carried. <br />f. Resolution No. 358: ' This Resolution relates to ac- <br />quisition of property by condemnation and authorizes the <br />mailing of 10 -day notice of condemnation for Parcel No. <br />9 -15, located at 122 -124 S. Main Street, Ind. R -66 Project. <br />On moti n by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Chenney, Resolu- <br />tion No 358 was adopted and unanimously carried. <br />g. Resolution Nos'. 359 and 360:' Mr. Ashenfelter re- <br />quested authorization from the Commission for the adoption <br />of the following resolutions: <br />The abo� <br />200 Soul <br />Project; <br />Resolution No. 359 authorizing acceptance of <br />bid in the amount of $150:.00. <br />Resolution No. 360 authorizing the execution <br />of the Redevelopment Agreement for the <br />disposition of land and the execution of <br />warranty deed for the transfer of title. <br />e resolutions cover Parcel No. 8 -10, located at <br />h Kaley Street, in the LaSalle Park Urban Renewal <br />R -57. <br />On moti n by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Rev. Williams, Resolu- <br />tion No . 359 and 360 were adopted and unanimously carried. <br />h. Attached Garage on Disposition Parcel No. 25-10: <br />Commission approval was requested of a plan submitted to <br />build ar attached garage with a breezeway to a house, at. <br />a cost of $2,800, on'Disposition Parcel No. 25 -10, located <br />at 222 North Kenmore, Ind: "R -57 Project. This is a shed <br />type ga age, with a slop -down front, and the drawings are by <br />Mr. McL vy. The plans conform with Building Department re-. <br />quireme is necessary for the building permit. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 358 <br />APPROVED, PARCEL NO. <br />9 -15, CENTRAL DO "4NTOWN <br />URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, <br />R -66 <br />RESOLUTION NOS: 359 <br />& 360 APPROVED, PARCEL <br />NO. 8 -10, LASALLE PARK <br />URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, <br />R -57 <br />GARAGE BUILDING AUTHOR- <br />IZED, DISPOSITION PARCEL <br />NO. 25 -10, R -57 <br />On motion by Mr. Chenney, seconded by Mr. Wiggins; the <br />buildinc plans for the attached garage and breezeway were <br />approve c, and unanimously carried. <br />i. Change Order to Rieth- Rile Contract: Approval CUL-DE-SAC 'WIDENING, <br />was given by the Commission in Minutes of April 16, 1971, R -56 <br />for authorization of the Change.Order, subject to Engineering <br />Departm nt approval and subject to engineering estimate, This <br />drm <br />i <br />