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6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />pleted within sixty (60) calendar days from date of <br />execution, for a contract total not to exceed Two <br />Thousand One Hundred ($2,100) Dollars. <br />On motion by Rev. Williams, seconded by Mr. Wiggins, <br />the Pre ident and Secretary were authorized to exe- <br />cute th contract. Said motion was unanimously carried. <br />b. <br />Street Improvements,R -56: Occasioned by our <br />CUL -DE -SAC, FUND <br />taking <br />he area North of the New Jersey Railroad tracks, <br />APPROVAL TO BE RE- <br />we are <br />currentTy working with the City Engineer's Office <br />QUESTED FROM COMMON <br />on two <br />cul-de-sacs, terminating Chapin and Catalpa Streets <br />COUNCIL, R -56 <br />to the <br />South with an estimated cost of $9,000, which must <br />come be <br />ore the Common Council for approval. On motion <br />by Mr. <br />Wiggins, seconded by Rev. Williams, authorization <br />was requested <br />to <br />petition the.Common Council for approval <br />of these <br />funds. Motion was unanimously carried. <br />c. <br />Commercial Leases: Commission approval was <br />FOUR (4) COMMERCIAL <br />request <br />d for four Commercial Leases on the following <br />LEASES`' APPROVED, CENTRAL <br />parcels <br />in the Central Downtown Urban Renewal Project, <br />DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL <br />R -66: <br />PROJECT, R -66 <br />Firm <br />Parcel No. Address Mo. Rent <br />Wm. & Libby <br />Talladouros 1 -5 226 N. Michgian St. $150.00 <br />Vera Hatis <br />14 -3 228 S. Carroll St. 100.00 <br />Cloud Bros., <br />Inc. 23 -2 110 E. Western Ave. 600.00 <br />Dan Man <br />is 28 -9 579 Lincolnway East 75.00 <br />On motion <br />by Rev. Williams, seconded by Mr. Wiggins, the - <br />above four <br />Commercial Leases were approved and motion <br />unanimously <br />carried. <br />d. Option Agreements: Approval and authorization <br />was requested for the President to sign seven (7) Option <br />Agreeme is in the Central Downtown Urban Renewal Project, <br />R -66, for the following parcels: <br />Parcel fro. Address <br />8-6 <br />9 -4 <br />9 -8 <br />9 -32 <br />18 -2 <br />18 -7 <br />28 -3 <br />112 South Michigan Street <br />112 West Washington Street <br />122 - 124 W. Washington Street <br />Ill S. Michigan Street <br />312 E. Wayne Street <br />320 -26 -30 S. Carroll Street <br />541 -549 L.W.E. <br />Mr. Wig ins moved the above Option Agreements be approved <br />and the President be authorized to sign. Said motion was <br />seconde by Rev. Williams and unanimously carried. <br />-5- <br />SEVEN (7) OPTION AGREE- <br />MENTS APPROVED, PARCEL <br />NOS: 8 -6, 9 -4, 9 -8, 9 -32, <br />18 -2, 18 -7 & 28 -3, CENTRAL <br />DOWNTOWN'URBAN RENEWAL <br />PROJECT, R -66 <br />