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MISHAWAKA DIVISION NEWS <br /> * * <br /> BEIGER BASEMENT SALE <br /> * Friday, July 26 <br /> * * <br /> * 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. <br /> Also, white elephants contributed by members and <br /> an outdoor refreshment booth will be featured. <br /> Tours ($1.00 per person) will be conducted from <br /> * 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. <br /> Congratulations and a hearty thank you to all of our members for their support <br /> of the June 13th Salad Bar Luncheon. The salads were plentiful, as well as beautiful! <br /> To date, a whopping net profit of $1,245.19 has been realized. Chairman Teri Speiser <br /> also wishes to express her appreciation to those who responded to the follow-up <br /> reminder letter concerning the unsold tickets. A repeat performance will be scheduled <br /> for October. <br /> Did you know <br /> ..that Teri Speiser has been on duty at "Trameisus" since school was dismissed <br /> in June? <br /> ..that General Chairman Mary Jo Jenkins served in this capacity from January <br /> to June? <br /> ..that two young people employed through the Youth Employment Service have <br /> worked daily this summer at the Beiger Mansion under Teri's direction? <br /> ..that Susie Beiger named her home "Trameisus"? It is a combination of the <br /> names Mart (for husband Martin) and Susie spelled backward. <br /> ..that Elmer Hartwick is the "houseman" for the Beiger Heritage Corp.? <br /> ..that the services of the following persons who assisted in the office during <br /> June and July are deeply appreciated? They are: Charlotte Mittler, Laura Harbin, <br /> Miriam Fredricks, Winifred Needham, Betty Crofoot, Marcella Doan, Jeanette Davis, <br /> Irene Halter, Fritzi Hartwick, Sue Kamm, Martha Kimmel, Betty Goodrick, Ann McKew, <br /> Bill and Lucille Gering, Garth and Margaret Stroup and Mildred Todd. <br /> ..that Powell Florists contributed some fifteen flats of flowering plants <br /> to the Beiger Mansion? <br /> ..that Helen May Doolittle, Margaret Stroup, Chuck Esperseth, Elmer Hartwick, <br /> Harriette Steele, Jan VanCamp, plus Dean and Dennis (youth employment) either sorted, <br /> cleaned or hauled furniture etc. in preparation for the basement sale to be held <br /> July 26? <br /> ..that there are many unsung heroes and heroines working to save the <br /> Beiger Mansion? <br /> MEMBERSHIP MEETING <br /> SEPT. 24, 1974 at 7:30 <br /> BEIGER MANSION <br />