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4. <br />ICATI <br />a. Letter and telegram received from DHUD, <br />Washi gton, D.C., confirming approval of $39,744 <br />increase in Federal Grant for the LaSalle'Park <br />Urban Renewal Project, R -57. This money is allo- <br />cated for relocation payments-of displacees in <br />this roject up to $5,000 to purchase a home, <br />and r nters can receive payment for two years, <br />not t exceed $500 per year. Mr. Glenn Barbe <br />apprised that this is the new.housing displace- <br />ment authorized by the 1968 Housing Act. <br />5. OLD BUSINESS <br />old business for discussion. <br />FEDERAL GRANT <br />INCREASE, LASALLE <br />PARK URBAN RENEWAL <br />PROJECT, R -57 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />a. Public Offering No. 1,,Land Sale, Indus- PUBLIC OFFERING NO. 1, <br />trial Expansion P roject, R -56: Bid opening was at LAND SALE APPROVED, <br />August 12, 1969, E.D.T., in the Office INDUSTRIAL EXPANSION <br />of the Department of Redevelopment, for the sale PROJECT, R -56 <br />of app oximately 522,720 square feet of land in <br />the In ustrial Expansion Project, R -56, and the <br />only,b'd received was from: <br />South Bend Supply Co., Inc. <br />324 South St. Joseph Street <br />.South Bend, Indiana 46601, <br />at a bid of 29t per square foot, for a total bid <br />of $151,588.80. The minimum price set per square <br />foot was 23¢ and the bid price was over the mini- <br />mum set. Mr. Barbe apprised that this price will <br />be adjusted at a later point when the public right- <br />of -way is surveyed, as there will be less acreage <br />and less square feet, and, consequently, the bid <br />amount will be adjusted. President Wiggins asked <br />if the 522,720 square feet included all the streets <br />and al eys the department now has. Mr. Barbe ap <br />prised that it does and that there will be new <br />streets. Authorization was requested for a tenta- <br />tive a ceptance of the bid price and the authori- <br />zation to submit to the HUD Office, in Chicago, <br />pendinj requirements of public disclosure. On <br />motion by Mr. Helmen, seconded by Mr. Wilhelm, <br />Public Offering No. 1 was authorized for the ac- <br />ceptan a of the bid price of $151,588.20, at 29¢ <br />per sq are foot, from South Bend Supply Co., Inc., <br />South 3end, Indiana. Authorization was unanimous <br />.by all Commissioners. <br />. -4- <br />