_-C_ont .i_me d
<br />RESOLVED by the Board of Public Works of the City of South Bend, St.
<br />Joseph County, Indiana; That it is desired and deemed necessary to construct a sewer
<br />is and along the Bowman Creek and in and through lands adjacent and contiguous to sad.
<br />said Creek, in said City, which, from its size and character is not only intended
<br />and adapted for use by property holders whose property abuts along the line of said
<br />stover, but is also intended and adapted for receiving sewage from collateral sewers
<br />and drains already constructed or to be constn.zcted, and the same is her ordered t.
<br />in and along the following line, in, said City,towit:-
<br />Beginning at a point, in said City, where a line parallel with and 9.6
<br />feet north of the northerly line of Sample Street intersect-s the west., side of the St.
<br />Joseph River, said point being 166.2 feet from Vistula Avenue measured eastwardly a-
<br />long aline parallel with the northerly line of Sample Street, thence _south 9 degrees
<br />17 minutes west 309.4 feet, thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 2,864.3
<br />93 Beet. a distance of 279.3 feet; thence 2 degrees 43 minutes west a distance of
<br />324.�'fi feet; thence along a curve to the right with a radius of 441.65 feet a distance
<br />of 2272 feet; thence south 32 degrees 15 minutes west 192.1 feet; thence along a cue`
<br />curve to the left with .a, radius of 478.34, feet a distance of 325.6 feet; thence south
<br />7 degrees 04 minutes ,east 53.1 feet; thence along a .curve to the right with a radius
<br />of 981.95 feet a distance of 83.3 feet; thence south 1 gegree 39 minutes east 415.5
<br />feet; .thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 573.69 feet a distance of
<br />-94.56 feet; thence south 11 degrees 06 minutes east, a distance of 74.6 feet; thence
<br />along a, curve to the right with a radius of 1,432.69 feet a di st ance of 15EI.7 feet;
<br />theri`Lce south 4 degrees 45 minutes east 113.7 feet; thence along a curve to the left
<br />witha radius of 410.29 feet a distance of 200 feet; thence south 23 degrees 20 rninut
<br />minutes west 407.7 feet.; thence along a curve to the right with a radius of 573.69
<br />feet'4 a distance of 192.5 feet; thence south 42 degrees 37 minutes west 1,482.2 feet
<br />thence along a curve to the right with a radius of 716.78 feet a distance of 577. fet
<br />feet to the center of Donald Street; thence west on the center of Donald Street 992
<br />feet to the center of Witwer Avenue; thence south alo ng-the center of Witwer Avenue
<br />656 feet to the center of Ewing Avenue thence west along the center of Ewing Avenue
<br />509-1/'2 feet to the center of Michigan Street; thence south along the center of
<br />Michigan Street 1,016 feet to the center of Jay 'Street; thence west along the center
<br />of Jay' Street and Jay Street produced 750 feet to the west line of .the right-of-way d
<br />of Terre Haute Railroad.
<br />And to be built in accordance vjith the profile, specifications, deti.
<br />detail plans, maps and estimates now on file in .the office of the Departmat of Public
<br />Works of sad d City, w'ri ch, include an estimate of the proportion that the cost of an d
<br />adequate local sewer, built along the above line as above -described, is hereby estim-
<br />ated and fixed to be TP_n (10%). rof the cost of tn.e main sewer to be
<br />built, along said line as above set forth, which proportion as herein. estimated and
<br />fixed, shall be taken and adopt e c in all computations requiring a knoxcle dge of the,
<br />cost of such local sewer if built along the line where the main sewer is to be built`.
<br />The cost of the construction of said sewer shall be divided as follows: lst. So
<br />much of such cost as shall be equivalent to the construction of an adequate local sew
<br />er not adapted to receive sewage from collateral drains or sewers, if built along the
<br />proposed line as hereinbefore -set forth, shall. be paid for by the abutting property
<br />holders and the said City of South Bend, if it be determined that the said City is
<br />benehted by said sewer, in the same manner and to the same extent .as local sewers ae
<br />are .paid for by them, under the Statute insuch cases made and provided. 2nd. The e*
<br />excess of cost over and above what would be equivalent to the cost of a local sewer'
<br />if built along said.line, shall be assessed against each piece of property in the dt
<br />district of area to be drained and against the said City,, if it be determined that
<br />the said City is beefited by the said sewer, according to the manner and method pre.-
<br />scribed.by law; all of which said property beneficinbily affected lies v4thin the fol-
<br />lowing described territory in the said Cite of South Bend, St. Joseph county, State
<br />of Indiana ,t owit : -
<br />Beginning on the west bank of the St. Joseph .River, in said City, ata
<br />point One Hundred .fifty (150) feet north of the North Line of Sample Street; thence
<br />west parallel with and One Hundred fifty (150) feet North or the North line of said ig
<br />Sample Street to a point in line- with the center of High Street; thence South along
<br />the center line of said High Street to the first alley South of Pennsylvania Avenue
<br />thence west along the first alley. south of Pennsylvania Avenue to Carroll Street, the
<br />thence south along Carroll Street to the first alley south of :Dubail Avenue, thence
<br />west along the first alley south of Dubail Avenue to Witwer Avenut, thence south a-
<br />long Witwer Avenue to the first alley south of Cal vert Street, thence west along the
<br />first alley south of Calvert Street to the first alleyeast of Michigan Street, thene
<br />south along the first alley east of Michigan Street to ;the first alley north of Fox
<br />