<br />19121-1-:
<br />Board .met in regular session at 10:00 A. M. Mr. F. E. Lambert absent*
<br />t,-" Bids Were received and opened on Water connections. on,Division Street, under Improve-
<br />ment resolution No. 146, The same wad referred to the City engineer for tabluat*dn
<br />to be reported back to the Board Wednesday May 229 1912.
<br />RESOLVED bY.the .Board of,Public Works of the City od Sout h Bend, St
<br />Jpseph Count Indiana That it is desired and deemed necessary to construct a sewer
<br />and drain in and along the Bowman Creek and in and through lands adjacent and conti-
<br />guous to said Creek' in said City, which from its size c-.nd character is not only in-
<br />tended and adapted for use by property holders whose property abuts along the line, of
<br />said sewer and drain, but is also intended and adapted for receiving sewage from col-
<br />lateral sewers and drains,
<br />already constructed or to be constructed, as well as to ree-
<br />eive the water in said Creek, and the same is hereby ordered in and along the follow-
<br />ing line of said Citytowit:-
<br />Beginning at a point ,in said City, where a line parallel with and 8.6
<br />feet north of the northerly line of Sample Street intersects the west side of the St.
<br />Joseph River, said point being 166.2 feet from Vistula Avenue measured eastwardly a-
<br />long a line parallel with the northerly line of Sample Street, thence south 8017' west
<br />309.4 feet thence along a curve to the left - with -a radius of 2,864.9"A feet a distance
<br />'
<br />,of 278-3 feet: thence 2*43t west a distance of 324.6 feet; thence along a curve to the
<br />right with a'radius of 441,,08 feet a distance of '227,2 feet; thence south 32015, west
<br />192.1 feet; thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 479.'34 feet a distance
<br />.of 328.6 feet; thence south 7*04t east 53.1 feet; thence along a. curve to the right
<br />with a radius of 991.95 feet a distance of 93-3 feet; thence south 1039t east 418.5
<br />feet; thence along a curve to the.left7 with a radius of 573-65 feet a distance of 94.5
<br />feet" thence south 11.*061 east a distance of 74-.6 feet; thence along a curve to the
<br />right with a radium of 1,432-69 feet a distance of 159-7 feet;' thence south 4"45t east
<br />11347 feet; thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 410.28 feet a distance
<br />of 200 feet; thence south 23020t west 407-7 feet; thence along a curve to the right
<br />with a radius of 573.69 feet a distance of 192.9 feet; thence south 42*37t west 1.,492.2
<br />thence along a: curve to the right with a radius of 716-78 feet a distance of 577 feet
<br />to the. center of Donald Street; thence west on the Ulente- of Donald Street 992 feet
<br />to the. center. of Witwer Avenue; thence south along the center of Witwer Avenue 656
<br />feet to the center of Ewing Avenue; thence west along tht. center of Ewing Avenue 209-1/2
<br />feet to thecenter of Michigan Street: thence south along the center of Michigan Street,
<br />1,016 feet to the center of Jay Street; thence west along the center of Jay Street and
<br />Jay Street produced 750 feet to the Twsgt line of the right-of-way of Terre Haute
<br />Railroad..
<br />'And to be built in accordance with the profile, specifications, detail
<br />plans maps- and estimates now on file in the office of the Department of Public Works
<br />of said City, which include an estimate of the proportion that the cost of an adequate
<br />local sewer,, built along the labove line nears to the cost of the main sewer; to be
<br />built as follows: The cost of adequate local sewer, built along the above lifte as above
<br />described is hereby estimated and fixed to be ofthe cost of the
<br />Main sewer to be built along said line as -above set forth.) which proportion as herein
<br />estimated and fixed, shall be taken and adopted in all computations; requiring a know-
<br />ledge of the cost of such local sewer if built along the line where the main sewer is
<br />to be built. The cost of the construction of said sewer shall be divided as- follows:!"
<br />lat. So* much, of such cost an shall he equivalent to the construction of an adequate
<br />local sewer not adapted to receive sewage from collateral drains or sewers, if -built
<br />along the proposed line as hereinbefore set forth, shall be paid for by the abutting,
<br />property holders and the said City of South Bend, if it be determined that the staid
<br />Ci
<br />ty is benefited by said sewer, in the same manner and to the same extent as local
<br />sewers. -are paid for by them, under the Statute in such cases made and provided. 2nd.
<br />The excess of cost over and above what would be equivalent to the cost of a local sew-
<br />er, if built along said line., shall be assessed against eash piece of property in the dt
<br />distri-ct or area to be drained and aguinst, the said City, if it be determined that the
<br />said City is benefited by the -said sewer, according to the manner ' and method prescribd
<br />by law; all of which said property beneficially affected lies within the following
<br />described territory in the said City of South -Bend, St. Joseph County, State of
<br />Indiana,towit:-
<br />