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6. OLD <br />Councilwoman <br />Mrs. Allen reported that the urban redevelopment <br />LA SALLE PARK <br />housing committee <br />recommended the LaSalle Park Indiana R- 41(GN) <br />IND. R -41 <br />Survey and <br />Planning Application be approved by the South Bend <br />S & P <br />City Counc'1. <br />The Council members voted 4 to 3 in favor of <br />APPLICATION <br />accepting <br />the application. Formal approval of the Survey and <br />APPROVAL <br />Planning R <br />solution is expected at the next regular City Council <br />RENT ADJUST - <br />meeting, N <br />vember 23, 1964. <br />MENT R -29 <br />Mr. Louis <br />=1xpressed his appreciation to Mrs. Allen in behalf of <br />APPRECIATION <br />the Commis <br />ion for her part in the action of the urban redevelop- <br />TO MRS. ALLEN <br />ment and h <br />using committee of the South Bend Common Council regard- <br />ALLEN <br />ing the La <br />alle Park Indiana R -41 Project Area. <br />PROGRESS <br />7. NEW BUSINESS <br />Upon recommendation by Mr. Nowak, the Commission approved an SALARY - <br />increase ii Mr. Oliver J. Scott's salary from $6000 to $6500 INCREASE <br />per year, ffective January 1, 1965. REL, DIR. <br />8. <br />Mr. Nowak <br />reported the final draft of the demolition and site <br />DEMO. & SITE <br />clearance <br />specifications will be completed within several days <br />CLEARANCE <br />and will be <br />forwarded to the Regional Office of HHFA for their <br />SPECIFICATIONS <br />approval, <br />prior to our placement of a legal notice for bid <br />IND. R -29 <br />acceptance. <br />On motion <br />by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Kompar, the Commission <br />RENT ADJUST - <br />authorized <br />a conditional rent adjustment of Parcel No. 6 -15, <br />MENT R -29 <br />Mitchell's <br />Pool Room, from $80 to $40 a month, effective Dec- <br />PARCEL 6 -15 <br />ember 1, 1 <br />64, for two months, provided he relocates in 60 days. <br />Otherwise, <br />it will remain at the original figure of $80 a month. <br />There have <br />been 104 parcels purchased in the Indiana R -29 Chapin <br />PROGRESS <br />Street Area <br />at a cost of $685,880. It was also reported that <br />REPORT <br />fourteen businesses <br />remain in the project area. <br />IND. R -29 <br />Mr. Nowak <br />reported that the next scheduled Redevelopment Depart- <br />NEXT MEETING <br />ment Commission <br />meeting is to be held December 10th. <br />gr <br />Meeting adjourned 11 :35 a.m. <br />Carl R <br />ing Director J es G. L 's, President <br />