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Health and Public Safety Committee <br />November 28, 2007 <br />Page 2 <br />• Other Criminal Arrests by Year and Race 1990-2005 <br />• Traffic Citations 1990-2005 <br />• Changes in Ticketing Patterns and Population in South Bend 1990-2005 <br />• Non-Discretionary Citations (DUI & hit /run only) 1990-2006 <br />• Discretionary Citations (moving violations in one chart and equipment/document <br />violations in a second chart) 1990-2006 <br />• Summary: that the city's "...arrest & citation pattern do not math the general <br />population distribution...these trends have persisted over time...discretionary <br />tickets & arrests show larger departures from the population distribution...." <br />Council Member White noted that some preliminary information was shared in 2006. <br />Dr. Varner suggested that age and sex should also have been part of the study, and <br />that that information should be made available. <br />Dr. Fleming suggested that income levels should also be part of the study. <br />Division Chief Boykins noted that police officers are required to respond when they are <br />called. He noted that the study did not address the race of the officers who issued the <br />tickets and suggested that be considered. Chief Boykins noted that certain parts of the <br />city have more calls for service which are initiated by the residents. He gave as an <br />example the area near Washington High School. He noted that there are many factors <br />which are not reflected in the study as presented. <br />Police Chief Thomas Fautz noted that the data does not include information of police <br />officers walking in neighborhoods. He noted that there are funds for HUD Patrols, <br />SEED, etc where additional beat officers are assigned to areas along Lincolnway West. <br />Many warning tickets are issued and he inquired whether that data was studied. <br />Council Member Kirstis noted that he is an "old SPEA grad" and that studies should <br />include information from cities with similar populations as South Bend such as Rockford, <br />IL, Roanoke, VA, Peoria, IL which have around 100,000 in population. He questioned <br />how the study compares to the vacant housing map and calls for service. He suggested <br />that the overall goals should be more defined and that more data needs to be included. <br />Ms. Erlin noted that "South Bend is slightly worse" when you compare patterns across <br />the nation. She noted that she is trained as an advocate and that the "T-Test of means" <br />was utilized. <br />Council Member Kirsits stated that he does not believe that any one can say that <br />"South Bend is out of whack" until additional information is included in the study and that <br />proper comparisons are made. He stated that "you really need comparative data". <br />