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CCI91011JCK ®lI' Hx IIMSiY ]PIE -OXIEC Y AIRIEA (c o n t' d ) <br />Mr. Lt ws emphasized that we need land for small industries, and that <br />the Sa ple Street redevelopment would be financially sound. <br />Mr, bWZlliams said he favored the industrial site, since we must have <br />suitab a sites to offer if we want to attract industry. <br />Mr. K czan emphasized that the empty factory buildings were unsuitable for <br />moder manufacturing processes. He also stressed that the majority of <br />buildi gs in the Sample Street area are among the oldest in the City. <br />Mayor�Voorde stated that he thought the Sample Street area was excellent <br />for re evelopment. <br />A brief discussion of the relocation problem then followed. <br />Mr. Luis stated as far as the labor in the neighborhood just discussed, as <br />soon as they understand the City is doing everything possible to provide <br />new industry for them, they should then accept the idea. Mr. Sucher backed <br />his statement by commenting that this area could possibly provide 1, 000 <br />additi nal jobs. <br />Mr. P ace made a motion to inaugurate actively the planning for Site #I - <br />The Sample Street Redevelopment area - backing it with the statement that <br />the houses presently located there were about ready for removal anyway. <br />Mr. Luis seconded the motion, and it was unanimously carried. <br />Mr, Williams made a motion that work should begin on Site #2 (the Linden <br />Renewal area) as quickly as it could be approved by the Urban Renewal <br />Administration, presumably when the preliminary planning on the Sample St. <br />area Was completed. Mr. Louis seconded the motion, and it was unani- <br />mouslv carried. <br />3 , AI1DO]PTI[ON OF TIEEIE MY - ILAWS; <br />Mr. I oczan asked for comments on the By -Laws. They had previously been <br />distri uted to all the Commissioners, and the City Attorney. <br />