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REGULAR MEETING MAY 23, 2005 �� �� <br /> Lounge, Inc. et al. v. The City of So,uth Bend, an �ndiana municipal corporation, et al. <br /> ("Lawsuit"); and <br /> WHEREAS, Arthur T. Ford is a principal in Kiriy Kat, Inc, and, in order to settle the <br /> Lawsuit, Arthur T. Ford is willing to sell his interest in the Kitty Kat Properties to the City of <br /> South Bend and Linette L. Ford is also willing to sell her interest in the Kitty Kat Properties to <br /> The City of South Bend; and <br /> WHEREAS, the South Bend Common Council, fiscal body of the City of South Bend, <br /> has previously appropriated the sum of One Hundred Seventy Five Thousand and 00/100 Dollars <br /> ($175,000.00) in settlement of the Lawsuit with Kitty Kat, Inc. and to complete tlie acquisition of <br /> the Kitty Kat Properties; and <br /> y <br /> WHEREAS,the care, custody and control of City real estate is vested in the Board of <br /> Public Works ("Board")pursuant to I.C. 36-9-6-3; and <br /> WHEREAS,the Board, desires that title to the Kitty Kat Properties be vested in the "City <br /> of South Bend, for the use and benefit of its Department of Redevelopment" in order to facilitate <br /> the South Bend Redevelopment Commission's efforts in redeveloping the area known as the <br /> Sample-Ewing Development Area;and <br /> WHEREAS, the City of South Bend, Department of Redevelopment, acting by and <br /> through its governing body,the South Bend Redevelopment Commission("Commission")desires <br /> to accept title to the Kiriy Kat Properties; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Board and the Commission desire to enter into an agency agreement <br /> wherein the Commission shall act as the Board's agent with respect to taking title and possession <br /> of the Kitty Kat Properties and other related matters, a copy said Agency Agreement is attached <br /> hereto and incorporated herein as E�ibit"A". <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City of South Bend, Indiana, Board of <br /> Public Works as follows: <br /> Section 1. The Board hereby approves of the Agency Agreement and hereby <br /> authorizes its execution in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A" with such <br /> changes as the Board may deem necessary or appropriate upon the advice of counsel, said <br /> execution thereof to be conclusive evidence of the Board=s approval of such changes. The Clerk <br /> is hereby directed to file a copy of the Agency Agreement with the Commission. <br /> Section 2. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect after its adoption by the <br /> Board. <br /> ADOPTED at a meeting of the City of South Bend Board of Public Works held on May <br /> 23,2005 in Room 1308 County-City Building, South Bend, Indiana 46601. <br /> CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br /> BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS <br /> s/Gary Gilot,President <br /> s/Carl Littrell <br /> ATTEST: <br /> s/Angela K. Jacob, Clerk <br /> APPROVE TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES <br /> Upon a motion made by Mr. Gilot, seconded by Mr. Littrell and carried, the following traffic <br /> control devices were approved: <br /> NEW INSTALLATION: Handicapped Accessible Parking Space Signs <br /> LOCATION: 1238 Sorin <br /> REMARKS: All Criteria Has Been Met <br /> NEW INSTALLATION: (Temporary) Sample Street, West Bound Traffic <br /> Restriction <br /> REMARKS: May 18 and 19, 2005 only,Police Department <br /> Dedication <br /> FILING OF CERTIFICATES OF 1NSURANCE <br /> Upon a motion made by Mr. Gilot, seconded by Mr. Littrell, and carried, the following <br /> Certificates of Insurance were accepted for filing: <br />