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~~ . <br />1'~JI3LIC AGEDI~A SESSIGD <br />AI~I~IiG€T~f, C~I~ AGI~EEMEDT <br />Tho following Agroomont was submittod to tho hoard for approval: <br />~EI3R~JAI2~ $ 200$ <br />'I' ~ ~7 _ ~ 1~~ ~TI1~ ~ ~ _ ~ 7T 1 ~` <br />~E.<:;, <br />Agroozrzont MpA Architectural Sorvicos DTE X26,000.00 Gilot/I~itt~~ <br />Architocts for Skylight Dotting for <br />~ontury ~onter - hrojoct <br />Do. 10$-O 1$ (ContLZry <br />~ontor capital) <br />Do othor bzzsinoss camo boforo tho hoard. The Mork was instructod to post tho agoz~~da and <br />notify the media and other I~ersons who ha.vo roquostod notico of tlao nzootiz~zg a.gonda, Tl~~e <br />meoting adjournod at 11:40 a.zaz. <br />]EGA ~~' FIJI3III~ ~~GRI~S <br />~` <br />t ,,_:.. <br />Gary A. (pilot, I~rosidoz~t <br />-, <br />r <br />~~if,~ <br />earl I~. Litlroll, Moz~z ~~er <br />~~'~. <br />j, <br />~~ ~ <br />I~c~tzald ~. F_m>s, Mom'~oz <br />A`I TEST: <br />a <br />` ___ _~~ <br />`~- i ~ Dada M. Martin, ~;lork <br />IZEG~ILAI~ MEETIDC~ <br />FE~1Z~1AI~~ 11, 200$ <br />Tho rogular mooting of tho hoard of I~ublic ihTorlcs was cozwonod at 9:35 a.zrz. on l~!1[z- , <br />~obruary 11, 200$ by hoard I~rosidont Gary A. Gilot, with 1VIr. earl P. Eittroll and Mr. Donal ~,. <br />Inks prosont. Also prosont was Attorney Thomas Eodnar. <br />AI~pI~G~E MIDLTTES ~I~ F" ~IIOtJS MEET G <br />~Tpon a motion made by Mr. Littroll, socondod by Mr. Inks and carriod, tho rxzzinutos of I~ao <br />agenda session az~zd rog~lar mooting of tho hoard held on January 24 and January 2$, 200$ were <br />approvod. <br />(IAA S I~EI~AI~ TMENT~ <br />`Elsie was tho dato sot for rocoiving and oponing of sealod bids for tho above roforrod : ~ . <br />Tho Mork tondorod proofs of publication of Dotico in tho South Bend Tribuno and I". ; ~'r4- <br />~ounty Dews, which wore found to be sufficiozzt, The following bids woro opened and p~~bl4 r <br />read e <br />