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DIVISION 1. -SHELTER ANIMAL RESOURCE CENTER MANAGER <br /> Sec. 5-90. Duties of shelter Animal Resource Center mManager. <br /> (a) The Division of Animal Care and Control Welfare shall be operated by the Shelter Animal <br /> Resource Center Manager. <br /> (b) The Shelter Animal Resource Center Manager will be advised on matters of policy by the <br /> Animal Control Welfare Commission. <br /> (c) The duties and powers of the Director Shelter Animal Resource Center Manager are as <br /> follows: <br /> (2) To maintain and operate the Division of Animal Care and Control's shelter Welfare <br /> which have been designated for the humane sheltering or protection and disposition of <br /> animals into its custody. <br /> (3) To purchase all necessary materials for the proper and efficient performances of the <br /> services and work required of the shelter Animal Resource Center consistent with the <br /> eCity's established purchasing procedures. <br /> (4) To cause to be picked up and transported to SBACC SBARC all unwanted animals, all <br /> animals illegally at large,and all sick,diseased,injured,lost,strayed,stolen or abandoned <br /> animals.Those animals whose owners request be euthanized may be surrender the animal <br /> to SBACC SBARC.The Shelter Animal Resource Center Manager shall determine if the <br /> animal can be saved. In addition, any animal whose illness would pose a health hazard to <br /> other animals or is injured so that it cannot rest comfortably for a minimum of three <br /> business days may be destroyed immediately as so authorized by the Shelter Animal <br /> Resource Center Manager or his/her authorized agent. If a possible owner is identified, <br /> the agencies shall undertake reasonable efforts to notify the owner or caretaker of the <br /> whereabouts of the animal and any procedures available for the lawful recovery of the <br /> animal. These efforts shall include, but are not limited to, notifying the possible owner <br /> by telephone, mail, and personal service to the last known address. Upon the owner's or <br /> caretaker's initiation of recovery procedures, the agencies shall retain custody of the <br /> animal for five (5) business days to allow for completion of the recovery process. All <br /> other animals shall be kept at said shelter or place designated by said shelter for a period <br /> of not less than three (3) business days to afford owners the opportunity to claim the <br /> animal. After such period of time, unclaimed animals shall be placed in a suitable home, <br /> retained at the shelter or released to an accepted rescue organization or euthanized. <br /> Animals released to the shelter by their owners,or impounded animals not claimed within <br /> the legal time become the property of the shelter and disposition may be made in <br /> accordance with the criteria outline in this chapter. SBAGG SBARC shall not ban, bar, <br /> limit or otherwise obstruct the adoption or transfer of any animal based on breed, breed <br /> mix, age, color appearance or size. <br /> (5) To ensure that no savable animal at .: • • = -- : •. - • . - • • - SBARC shall <br /> be euthanized simply because the holding period has expired. Before an animal is <br /> euthanized, to ensure that no savable animal at .:• - : -• : • -•- • - - - <br /> SBARC shall be euthanized all of the following conditions must be met: <br /> a. There are no empty cages, kennels, or other living environments in the appropriate <br /> area of the shelter, keeping in mind the overall health and wellbeing of the animals <br /> in SBACC SBARC's care; <br /> g. The director of the agency Animal Resource Center Manager certifies he or she has <br /> no other alternative. <br /> (6) SBACC SBARC shall take appropriate action to ensure that all animals are checked for <br /> all currently acceptable methods of identification, including microchips, identification <br /> tags, and licenses. SBACC SBARC shall maintain continuously updated lists of animals <br /> reported lost, and match these lost reports with animals reported found and animals in the <br /> shelter. If a possible owner is identified, the agencies shall undertake reasonable efforts <br /> to notify the owner or caretaker of the whereabouts of the animal and any procedures <br /> available for the lawful recovery of the animal. These efforts shall include, but are not <br /> 10 <br />