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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> represents that area. These are some hypothetical sites.Also to note are the primary and secondary <br /> streets. So, on the primary street, the building, and this is an important part, eighty-five percent <br /> (85%) of the building must be between zero (0) and ten (10). Now, you don't have to build the <br /> building on only eighty-five percent (85%) of the lot. It is eighty-five percent (85%) of the <br /> building. On the secondary street, it is fifty percent (50%) of the building. So, some very simple <br /> tests are these three(3), and they all comply(referencing a slide in the presentation).The first(1st) <br /> building on the left is located at zero (0) and zero (0) on both sides, so, it complies. The one(1)in <br /> the middle is set back at ten(10) feet and ten(10) feet, and it could be anywhere between zero (0) <br /> and ten (10), and it would also comply. The building on the right where there might want to be a <br /> small plaza space at the corner, also complies. Again, it has to do with, in this case, the primary <br /> and secondary street is switched to show how each of these things comply as well. <br /> He continued, Places that don't comply, on the left, are overly-sized public spaces. Some of these <br /> are thousands of square feet. These are all to scale, about one hundred(100)by two hundred(200) <br /> feet blocks. The one (1) on the right, we have some examples of downtown right now. The Fifth <br /> Third Bank building on Lafayette has parking in front of the building and this would stop things <br /> like that from happening. So, we did a little test and looked over the map and all the green marks <br /> show buildings that comply,and the places that don't are Burger King,Taco Bell,Fifth Third Bank <br /> and some other drive-thru banks. <br /> Mr. Divita stated, There was a question on usability, obviously that will be handled through our <br /> new zoning ordinance and its reformed pieces. To wrap up, we do have the second(211d) substitute <br /> and we want to state what the differences were with that. <br /> Ms. Smith stated, Right after meeting with Mr. Matthews today, there were some things we had <br /> the opportunity to explain how they would be interpreted. But,to help clarify and make sure those <br /> aren't concerns here, we went ahead and added fences and retaining walls to the use of yard <br /> section. We clarified the language about the minimum-maximum setback by removing the <br /> reference to the elevation view. We added the words "adjacent to" to clarify which property line <br /> is along the river. And then we added the word"natural"in front of"stone"just in case somebody <br /> thinks about bringing precastings. We may consider a CMU, but they may not. So,the idea is for <br /> it to look like the natural features we are encouraging in the masonry. We think these get to the <br /> heart of those concerns and there is more we will be able to clarify in the broader update for the <br /> 2020 ordinance. <br /> Mr. Corcoran stated,The last point is we've added another use to the downtown,which is for Two <br /> (2)-Family dwellings, and that is a use change we didn't highlight in this particular presentation, <br /> but is part of the packet of information. <br /> Vice Committee Chair Voorde then opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak in <br /> favor of or in opposition to the legislation. <br /> Brian McMorrow, 105 East Grove Street, stated, As I did at the Area Plan Commission, Again, <br /> I'm speaking on behalf of the Home Builders Association of St. Joseph Valley. As noted in the <br /> letter from Area Plan to Council, concerning the action taken by them at their public hearing, the <br /> Home Builders Association was generally supportive. We had one (1) concern over one (1) <br /> particular portion of the code. As it turns out, there was a meeting that had been scheduled for the <br /> very next day. Mike,Tim and Angela came and laid out all that is being proposed.We would have <br /> EXCELLENCE ( ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building j 227W Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 I p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173'I 11)574.235.5567 <br /> 13 <br />